Wie konnte ich Rod bislang ignorieren - ein Held meiner Jugend, aber irgendwie hatte ich ihn nicht mehr auf dem Schirm, aber ein MUSS wenn man üer #RockClassics redet oder?
Rod Stewart - a special Rockstar with attitude
Why attitude to begin with? Rod Stewart has always had a larger-than-life persona, from his raspy voice to his flashy outfits and spiky blond hair, he did the usual stuff to enjoy ladies, fame, drugs and parties in his youth - he was always funny with respect - and kept his style even at an older age (like me lol). And he even became an offcial "SIR".
Not many Rockstars are able to maintain a career in music for 5 or 6 decades. Let us listen to this guy!
I got to know him in 1981 with "Young Turks" - first thought strange voice, interesting song title but i got closer after listening to the song more and more.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turks_(song)
Some Rod basics
Even Rod started in Rock as singer for the "Faces" later "Small Faces" this song was a bit more related to "new wave" including synthi sounds. Interesting the title - in Germany that would probably be called racist - however it is not. Rod did not even sing (was not heard) this term. But the background is different (I had to check Wikipedia though).
so the term young Turk which originates from the early 20th-century secular nationalist reform party of the same name, is slang for a rebellious youth who acts contrary to what is deemed normal by society. The phrase "young Turks" is not heard in the song, the chorus instead centring on the phrase "young hearts, be free, tonight", leading to the song frequently being known as "Young Hearts" or "Young Hearts Be Free".
So actually he started his career early 1960 ies as a rocker - born in England but with Scotish roots, he always was an avid football guy (even owned a club - NO, tha was Elton John) but he played in his youth, family was a football family and he is supporting Celtic Glasgow (a great club i also like).
Some highlights of his music now
Apart from my first contact above he did a lot in rock, pop and more - enjoy 5 or 6 decades of music by a guy with attitude and style.
SIR Rod at its best
One of his most known songs probably - played everywhere even on the Oktoberfest in Munich
This song layed the foundation of male blondes and made him a sex symbol (back in 1978)
Produced in 1983, probabl one of his true "POP" songs also the younger ones liked.
Legendary ballad from 1990
Ja, einmal musste er seinen Auftritt bei dir bekommen. Ohne ihn geht es auch nicht. Obwohl in den vergangenen Jahren einiges darauf hindeutete, dass er ein wenig von seinem Verstand eingebüßt hat. Wie sonst ist es zu erklären, dass er öffentlich die englische Politik unter Boris Johnson lobt, obwohl sein Heimatland gerade die Unabhängigkeit sucht und sein Lieblingsclub nicht dafür bekannt ist, innige Beziehungen zu englischen Klubs zu pflegen. Bob Seger vertraute Rod Stewart einmal an, dass er an einem Album arbeite, in dem er die Lyrik von Tom Waits neu interpretiere. Der Schotte reservierte sich flugs einen Platz im Tonstudio und klaute seinem Kollegen das Projekt (Downtown Train).
Er startete übrigens nicht mit den Faces. Er begann seine Karriere mit einem der größten Könner an der Gitarre: Jeff Beck. Ron Wood war damals auch schon mit von der Partie.
Ich steuere ein paar Songs bei, die aus der Anfangszeit stammen und zudem zum Besten gehören, was er ins Mikrofon krächzte.
Die Bob und Boris Geschichte war mir gar nicht bewusst (schlimm) - Start mit Jeff Beck schon, aber ich war zu faul :-)
I always preferred his older tunes like Maggie May and Every Picture Tells aa Story...most likely because I am old too.