Hey hey, Fuck the begrudgers. You just keep being you. I find being kind, sound and decent attracts the same vibes from the universe, but you have to steer clear of the bullshit artists and the Mé Féiners (people who only care for themselves - it's Irish language and pronounced May Fayners)
You're packing the tunes this week, that second one Sorry I Am Late. That is a banger of a tune when it gets going and one that I have not heard before either. Nice one!
Grace Ives Mirror is quality, the only tragedy is that it's only 115 seconds long!
Actual love and not the flaky, fluffy kind.
The fierce and full on kind.
Keep on keeping on.
Keep on rocking yourself, loving this weeks tunes now I must say!
That video for Fluffy clouds is class, and I like the song, there's a touch of Lemon Jelly meets Basement Jaxx to it.
Hello you! :D
I came to check in with #ttt - meant to do it yesterday and then lost a day again 👀
Busy gathering steam. And new tunes, btw ;)
Have not heard that expression. Stealing and love it. And thank you. You are right, of course! And I'm getting better at giving less fucks every day. Also... the good souls make it easier to do ;) 👊
Glad you enjoyed the tunes. Here to enjoy some of dem others. Happy belated and on we dance 💥