I'm all outta words, words, words right now. Still fuckin' tired, y'know.
p.s. I am who I say I am. What I share is authentic life experience. I never lie (intentionally). Unless otherwise stated, all my stories are 100 percent factual and real. And so am I.
Hard to imagine in an online world.
I know.
Especially if you grew up later than the rise and now possible fall of all this tech shit. And the utter bullshit that comes with it, if you haven't had the good fortune of finding out who you are without it.
You can be whoever you like around here. Whoop de doo. Feel free. Be my guest. Enjoy the ride.
I am who I say I am these days.
But I've had enough of all these words, words, words for a while.
Except know this about me now, please.
I'm really patient and forgiving.
Until I'm not.
I'm really kind and compassionate. But that doesn't a fuck mean I allow ignorance or outright stupidity to walk all over me.
I am able to love unconditionally. Knowing when to detach and do this from a distance.
I care and have a social conscience. But I've stepped outside of social norms far enough, and for long enough, to no longer be manipulated by a general consensus that is generally off the mark entirely these days anyway... lets face it.
In short. I am not you, your pre-conceived ideas or your past experience. And I'm too tired to carry that for you at this point in my life.
So don't even.
In addition, I was born way, way before the internet.
This alone gives me some (other) learning some of y'all may never get to experience. It is what it is.
From here then...
On we go.
Respectfully nobody's but my own free self always and forever...
Believe Like it or not.
Nicky Dee
❤️ to some of you and up yours until you wake up to the rest
Some fluffy white clouds fer y'all from the beach that's five minutes away from the place I'm renting for now after all that true story and nah... I'm not being dramatic or exaggerating because I have tits and a vagina happened for realises.
Nice to finally "meet" you at last. ahem
But let's keep it fluffy until we're all fully recovered from the last bit.
Some clouds for ya. Not the smoking kinda clouds. The don't forget to look up kinda clouds...
I Choose Life
Oh... smoking over for real. Done and dusted but not gettin' cocky because we all know how that generally pans out, right?
On the sign at the entrance to the beach. Gotta love that synchronicty, huh?
Celebrating #travellighttuesday by laying down:
- Stupid habits that mess my health up
- Other people's baggage in full now and it rocks!
Throwing in some tunes because I just dig @ablaze 's #threetunetuesday, and his actual cool human, vibe in full. And music. Of course.
Celebrating "clean time"! 👇🏻
Tune! 👇🏻 🔥 💥
Us 👇🏻 😘
Bonus - No school like old school and the title of this post 👇🏻 ❤️
Actual love and not the flaky, fluffy kind.
The fierce and full on kind.
Keep on keeping on.
Respect 🫵🏻
Okay. I'm off to go for a run on that there beach now.
I have COPD.
What's your excuse?
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer
Beyond fear is freedom
And there is nothing to be afraid of.
To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee
Freedom of speech is a deal breaker.
Nice to meet you fresh off a two month break. Welcome back.
Ever heard of Dilated Peoples? They're from Venice, just down the street from my home. Reading this I was, she's gotta hear this.
Almost back! Goin' slow here. Was crawling along for the last bit and keep telling myself not to come out the starting gate too soon :D
But thank you. Well met!
I have not heard of Dilated Peoples and holy fuck yeah 💥 Thanks for the heads up. Superb!
I did gotta hear that
Keep hanging in there sistah! And never let the **** get ya down :O)
Hola Amigo :D
Oh. We take rest. We don't quit. Unless it's smoking. Then we quit as hard and as fast as humanly possible. 👍🏻
Nice to see you. I'll be coming to visit and start causing more trouble in the morning.
You can run but... oh... you can't run either 😈
Thanks for you, M! 😎
"What were the skies like when you were young?" the last song wonders.
It was a lot like this:
I like seeing the barefeet. 😁 Though for the life of me I don't know how that doesn't hurt.
Wowza! That is breathtaking! 👀
Oh - only barefoot 'round here. You'll have to get used to it. 👍
No idea how you wear shoes all day! That sounds like pure torture!!!
Well, slippers, anyway. My feet get cold!
Ah... well slippers are okay. When it's cold.
If they're fuzzy wuzzy 👍
And soft 👍👍
(I still walk barefoot in the rain tho)
I like the way you keep it real, and it's lovely to see you blogging again, even if you've just popped in.
That white powdery sand beach must be therapeutic and it's great that it's easily accessible.Hello @nickydee
Hard to imagine in an online world.
That's so fucking true.
Until I'm not.
It's great to see you, and indeed, it's imperative to #TravelLight in all aspects of our lives, especially emotionally and mentally 😍
Image belongs to millycf1976 and was edited in Canva.
My darling, beautiful woman 🌼❤️ :D
Thank you. And thank you.
So needed that break! Who knows what happens next? But... for the first time in a looooong time... the not knowing has a glimmer of a new beginning in fits and starts.
And not just a sad ending.
Time, huh?
Yes to undoing and releasing more and more. Every day.
And thanks for keeping us focused.
Only love to you ❤️
Hey hey, Fuck the begrudgers. You just keep being you. I find being kind, sound and decent attracts the same vibes from the universe, but you have to steer clear of the bullshit artists and the Mé Féiners (people who only care for themselves - it's Irish language and pronounced May Fayners)
You're packing the tunes this week, that second one Sorry I Am Late. That is a banger of a tune when it gets going and one that I have not heard before either. Nice one!
Grace Ives Mirror is quality, the only tragedy is that it's only 115 seconds long!
Keep on rocking yourself, loving this weeks tunes now I must say!
That video for Fluffy clouds is class, and I like the song, there's a touch of Lemon Jelly meets Basement Jaxx to it.
Hello you! :D
I came to check in with #ttt - meant to do it yesterday and then lost a day again 👀
Busy gathering steam. And new tunes, btw ;)
Have not heard that expression. Stealing and love it. And thank you. You are right, of course! And I'm getting better at giving less fucks every day. Also... the good souls make it easier to do ;) 👊
Glad you enjoyed the tunes. Here to enjoy some of dem others. Happy belated and on we dance 💥
Hey Nicky 😍

You're you. Unapologetically. Weirdly. Beautifully. It's what makes you stand out, at least how I see it. It's good to see you around, my friend <3 Always choose life.
Hey you. I know you know :)
you pop in and out of my thoughts randomly and I wonder how you're getting on - or maybe we should say through, huh? - and the more time goes by.
As it does.
Always good to "see" you.
Thanks for you and stopping by. But mostly you <3
Through. On, sometimes, when the day is heady. ;) I'm alright. Better. Listening to the little voice that doesn't normally get to speak more and more, and it's such a relief.
I think about writing you sometimes, see how you are, but then I think/thought sometimes we need to take a break from the world. I hope your break was/is as magical and healing as you deserve, wonderful <3
Haw... always here to check in and say hey hello. You are welcome, dear one. Anytime!
All that honest connecting serves me as much as it serves you, y'know. That's how it works. :D
Glad to hear you're meandering on. I hope you're enjoying the journey!
I am loving this process now.
I so needed to shift and was so scared to get back out there again. I lost a part of me a while back and it's out there in the wide open spaces and freedom of movement. I forgot! How much I need to move to be happy. So yes. Thank you. I'm busy transforming here... although it feels more like transmuting now. And past due.
In progress and all will be well! It's exciting now. And it's only been really sad for a very long time for me.
It's a very interesting process and I'll write about it when it's done. I'm still in it :)
Take care of you and again... always here if you need a chat or summink.
Very much. It's helped me reconnect with some people very dear to me who, having started the journey before me, had become alienated.
<3 To grow. You have to move. Wilting is movement of a sort too, remember. So I don't think there's a way to avoid moving entirely ;) I'm glad you've found your way out. And that you're excited about this change, you deserve it.
Oh... I dunno if it's a way out. There's no way out! :D
But a way it is. We ill see where it goes.
This evening, however, I am dancing again :)
Sending love. And yes. We connect and disconnect and reconnect as we travel. I think if we are doing it authentically. It's cool you reconnected with some humans along the way ❤️
Big Hug Sister...
and for some others 👇
As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life is beyond that. … That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life… Meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning. Life only makes sense when you perceive it as mystery and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind.
Anthony de Mello
And you!
I've been thinking of you on and off as well. :) Almost messaged on Discord but am in a period of silence that is going on a bit 😬 But you gotta wait these passages out. Waiting is a skill y'know. (it's still hard though!)
I do always check on you and see you busy busy around here. That is good to see!
What he said.
But now...
what to do with life because it is all meaningless, really.
Which makes me wanna smoke a cigarette. Day 11 or summink without the damned things. Must focus. I'll be back to chat about how to find purpose in a meaningless world with you soon. Or how not to find purpose in a meaningless world and be okay anyway. Or just to share the perfect recipes for cookies. Who knows what happens next :)
p.s. Sending love. dear brother. Stay you and thank you ❤️
Yep, patience is a virtue of life... with or without cigarettes. 😁
Much love back at ya Sis...
Oh! I'm LOVING not smoking, Dude.
Summink finally shifted.
Interesting process but don't feel like sharing about it yet. :)
Hey... tried to post on Free Your Mind but there's an issue with tags something or other? No empty tags message so not sure what's up with that.
But... it's all about freedom around here so more to follow...
Love today ❤️
No empty tag message means that there is a special character they do not allow...
some of the proposed tags on fym are wrongly spelt by me... 😎
Ah.... the mystery is solved at last! Imagine... I only had to ask all along!
Copy copy.
I'll try without the special characters and eh... I gave up on typos and spelling last year already. Who cares anyway. Long as we understand each other.
Happy Friday, Dude <3
There's always this sense of attractiveness that comes with someone being unapologetically themselves. You don't confirm to social norms and all the pretentiousness we see in the world today as a way to impress others. You know yourself and stand true to the things you believe in.
You're an awesome woman Nicky and I've missed you and your posts so much. So glad to have you back.🤗🌺
You're back right?doe-eyed and hopeful.
What a beautiful comment and thank you :)
Not feeling super awesome. Coming of the nicotine and boy does that particular substance cover up a ton of emotional stuff. 👀 So your comment is really super awesome right now.
I'm back but slowly! I have to get the smoking sorted and health first now.
So as we do and go. As we learn and progress. Same same but different. Back but never stagnant :D
I do wanna keep it real, after all! I'm always so happy to hear from people who enjoy it like that, instead of them running screaming in terror! Hooray for you and thanks for connecting ❤️💥
Yes to all the above. What is life if we can't be who we are, our authentic self, full of emotion and everything that comes with it xxxx
Sending you a big hug beautiful xxxx
Thanks for the music, the Orb came to my head straight away when I read the title of your post. Xxx
Ah - you reveal your age, old timer. Those days, huh?!
Love seeing you in my feed and notifications. Really, I do :D You just feel like a kindred and authentic as fuck as well to me. That's what I seek.
So thank you for staying connected and you as well. We need this so much right now. Brave woman. Strong woman.
Only love and respect (and thanks! ❤️)
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Hello angel :D
Thanks for letting me know and sending you some love. Always. ❤️
I saw your first three tunes and I was like - what, no Orb? And then bang, there it was.
Hehehehe. You reveal your
agewisdom!Oh yeah. TUNE! :D
Hey... I visited your profile on Wednesday but no #TTT from you this week? Unless you're a day behind over there?
Coming to check again now because you...
Much love, River. Nice to see you! <3