Controling mind is the hardest part of changing ourselves. Because mind will take us to stop if we did not take action about 3-5 seconds (this is what I learn from motivation video)
Usually I talk with my mind when I do exicerse, simply just talk everything you want need to hear about yourself 😊
I Made plan every day, half week for indoor, and the rest for outdoor.
My body and mind feel in the good harmony now ❤️
Have a great day, Milly 🌸
Psst I wrote this comment while walking in the sunlight 🌞
Hello Anggrek!
Yeah, it takes practice for us to control our minds and keep it where we want it to be. It took me a lot of practice, and before, it seemed impossible. However, my life has been so much better now.
I admire that you can walk and type a full message on your phone and even add emojis 😆
I'm like grandma working from my phone 😂
Have a nice day:)))