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RE: Mindfully Clearing My Mind

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Trying to be mind and love full in listening, its so difficult sometimes when its the same again and again. Reading your lines one thought came up. Especially when someone speaks about the same troubles for decades, that person even more needs the love to give while listening.

I always fall to sleep meditating lying on the floor. Always 😅

 2 years ago  

I think being sucked into the mess of other people's life is harder, when you yourself are a happy and positive person who just get up and do the things that cultivate happiness, as in the case of my mum. I'm just better at keeping things and people at bay.

I always fall asleep meditating while lying on the floor

It is super relaxing, but you'd be surprised to know how many people have difficulty switching off (and remaining still in that position).
Have a nice day:)