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RE: When life makes no sense, I remember I'm very small.

That was a lovely read.... and many thoughts came through my mind:)

I suppose, there's a lot of angst over walking the right path.

Gosh, yes, when you realize how over time there will be more and more pathes that you will never take... but also that is a thought that I just push away, since it never brought me any good, I think.
Unless Treebeard comes around and makes you remember, how beautiful live is:)

I have read something like "Doing something might not always make you happy, but not doing anything certainly never will." (by some person, I do not remember who)

Oh and this:

Managing stress also means speaking it out loud. That's what I did above. Even saying these things here, to the blockchain, is a bit stressful. It's always stressful showing people the little things that make you tick.

Yes! It feels good to name it:) I am glad you did!

 2 years ago  

but also that is a thought that I just push away, since it never brought me any good, I think.

I'm beginning to see that more and more, and wonder why dwell on paths I didn't take. It's terrifying to think of all the things you'll never do/people you'll never know now because of certain choices. Then again, so is ignoring your current choices for the sake of the past :)

"Doing something might not always make you happy, but not doing anything certainly never will.

Very resonant :D Perhaps, sometimes, this guides me too much. We'll see. Thank you for the lovely words! :)

Perhaps, sometimes, this guides me too much.

Ah yes for sure for some it's more one or the other way. I think I would definitely find more things, I could regret not having done or tried, than things I did. Or at least when you do you can always learn from it if everything else didnt work.