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RE: It's Not About the Money

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago


We hide behind so much of the material facade to protect ourselves :)

When it's ripped away (as you describe it) we have to walk "naked" in the world and endure the fear projected on to us, as well as our own fears around why we use these defenses, and this really helps a person remove a lot of noise and understand themselves and the world around them far better!

Well said, fellow traveler :D

I know now why so many spiritual seekers practice asceticism! It "works"!!

Sending love on Monday. You're "enough" just as you are. But I suspect you know this already <3 👣


And so it's left for us to make the effort in finding ourselves, without all that materialism and vanity. Truly seeking out ourselves.

Sending love on Monday. You're "enough" just as you are. But I suspect you know this already <3 👣

Saying this as my mantra for the rest of the week. I am enough. Thank you so much dear. Lots of !luv and hugs.

Perfect! :D

And in case you forget:

