Like the metaphor. I used a body as a vehicle for food and fuel to explain healthier eating to my boy.
Myself. I need LOTS of silence and music to be really mellow and balanced. Difficult to achieve in a modern world of content creation.
It's why I'm commenting less now.
Sure some folks around here will be sighing with relief! :D
Sadly... I then return full of energy and the joys of Spring! 😈
Meant to post on Monday but needed to break for eyes, balance (😉🙃) and then work yesterday. (Which threw me into grumpiness again because dead laptop and so stress and worked until 10pm on my son's machine 🤨)
Thing is... it's also nice to not have a laptop anymore. Um...
Duality, huh,!
Sending love, M ❣️
I've always loved silence (and darkness). Music, I can listen to when no one is around me. Otherwise, I always have my headset on full blast No wonder I'm partially deaf.
Don't street when you cannot post. Maybe not the things that you wanna write about, and when it feels right, write again.
It sucks without a laptop. I'm hoping that my MacBook will hold out and not give me any worries because I hate throwing money on devices.
Look after yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally while you hibernate, and then come back with a force 💕
Nice! 🔥
I will take that wise feedback and suggestion with much appreciation and gratitude
Sending love, sister ❤️
Sending love right back to ya ❤️