Checking the Pressure

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago (edited)


Having the right amount of pressure in the tires on my trike, was important for the life of my tires, the smoothness of the ride, and how much weight I could take in my basket before my tires went flat. That's essentially the same way having emotional balance is important for my life; How smooth my days will go, and how much I will cope with before my energy goes completely flat.

Maintaining a calm demeanour amid chaos, thinking through stressful situations, and carefully analysing all factors before any decision-making process is my natural approach. More often than not, I get it right, however, if things go unfavourably, I take the necessary actions to rectify and find solutions. This helps me to deal with difficult people and situations successfully, and to eliminate emotional burdens.

Being strong and resilient is my goal. However, what I hold on to, and what I let go of, determines whether I achieve a balance on my emotional scale.

It's like distributing weight evenly within my tires.

There are limits to what pain we can take physically just the same as what we can take emotionally, so I am mindful of what I allow into my life so that I can maintain mental strength independently of my ability without external support or mechanisms. I have learned the importance of putting my emotional well-being high on my priorities, within the limits of the expansion of my mind. This involves the practice of doing the right things to avoid worrying about what consequences I'll have to face for malpractice of any sort.

Conscience is a heavy burden.

canal reflection shot.jpg

We form new habits daily and expound on old ones that sometimes lead us to ruts that seem impossible to get out of. This feeling can be daunting because it's not easy for everyone to examine aspects of their lives, and gauge if their actions make sense.

Emotional balance and responsibility

I've always acknowledged subtle and big changes in how and what I feel, what causes me to feel certain things, and what triggers certain emotions within me. However, I do not dwell on any of those feelings nor let them consume my energy. Instead, I keep a check on where my mind wanders. If I focus on bad memories and bad experiences, chances are that I will have bad feelings, naturally. We all are susceptible to falling into bad habits, but we each have the responsibility to be in control of our emotions and remember that we cannot dictate others' feelings, but we can be mindful of our own.

Being mindful of how we acknowledge problems and what we give our attention to, does not imply avoidance. It's learning and knowing our limits and what triggers stress. That's because emotional stress affects our bodies and limits us, just the same as physical pain does.

Keeping the pressure in check, is done by being observant of symptoms within our bodies, in terms of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms.

The stress area that I need to pay attention to are my shoulders and upper back, which stiffen and tighten causing pain and discomfort. This all leads to shallow breathing which limits my energy and causes more stress physically and emotionally.

So, whenever I feel like I'm carrying excess weight on my shoulders, I remind myself of the need to travel light and distribute the pressure by reprioritising the things in my life.
How about you? How do you prioritise your daily life to achieve emotional balance?

As always, thank you so much for stopping by to read my blog:)

This post is a contribution to The Minimalist Daily ThemeKISS Topic: Finding Balance. You could write on any of the days, by using the appropriate tags.
All images are my own

⬆️Image belongs to me, and was manipulated using Canva

, Tuesday's #TravelLight, from an emotional and mental perspective, and this post coincides with this week's

 2 years ago  

Can I just say "yes" and "100%" to about, hm, every sentence here? So, so true. Love the bike imagery.

There are limits to what pain we can take physically just the same as what we can take emotionally

This resonates very deeply. I tend to be a person who powers through things, and I'm realizing now intensely that it's not the very best approach. I focus so much on surviving things, moving past, that I don't acknowledge their impact, and that's not good, I know.

Being mindful of how we acknowledge problems and what we give our attention to, does not imply avoidance.

Again, so true. On the contrary, there's a lot of acknowledgement there, I feel, and awareness.

This is just very beautiful. You project so much light into the world, my friend. <3

 2 years ago  

Your comment made me smile. Thank you 😊
I'm not surprised that it resonates with you at all, because you too, are full of light and love, with inner peace. More of that is needed in this world.

I tend to be a person who powers through things, and I'm realizing now intensely that it's not the very best approach. I focus so much on surviving things, and moving past, that I don't acknowledge their impact...

I get you because I am/used to be like that. It took me forever to find a balance. I now have "real" strength. 🤗

Like the metaphor. I used a body as a vehicle for food and fuel to explain healthier eating to my boy.

Myself. I need LOTS of silence and music to be really mellow and balanced. Difficult to achieve in a modern world of content creation.

It's why I'm commenting less now.

Sure some folks around here will be sighing with relief! :D

Sadly... I then return full of energy and the joys of Spring! 😈

Meant to post on Monday but needed to break for eyes, balance (😉🙃) and then work yesterday. (Which threw me into grumpiness again because dead laptop and so stress and worked until 10pm on my son's machine 🤨)

Thing is... it's also nice to not have a laptop anymore. Um...

Duality, huh,!

Sending love, M ❣️

 2 years ago  

I've always loved silence (and darkness). Music, I can listen to when no one is around me. Otherwise, I always have my headset on full blast No wonder I'm partially deaf.
Don't street when you cannot post. Maybe not the things that you wanna write about, and when it feels right, write again.
It sucks without a laptop. I'm hoping that my MacBook will hold out and not give me any worries because I hate throwing money on devices.
Look after yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally while you hibernate, and then come back with a force 💕

Nice! 🔥

I will take that wise feedback and suggestion with much appreciation and gratitude

Sending love, sister ❤️

 2 years ago  

Sending love right back to ya ❤️

Love that bike and your bike ideology.
I tend to carry to much, I'm still learning how to distribute it and ease the pressure.
I told myself that this year I would really improve my self care, which is so much more than just taking care of your skin, its ensuring your overall well being.
Prioritising is still something I struggle with as a solo mama but I'm learning. Xxxxx

 2 years ago  

Thank you 😊😍

...Improve my self care, which is so much more than just taking care of your skin, it's ensuring your overall well-being.

Yes, it can seem like a massive goal and make us question ourselves sometimes. We just need to remember, one day at a time. It's admirable that you put your girls first, and they grow so fast; So one day I'm sure you'll find it easier to achieve the right balance.

Thanks for stopping by xxxx

The tire illustration is quite impressive and it explains the need for balance in our lives both physically and mentally.

Finding mental balance doesn't seem to be big deal but in the world we live today, a lot of thing tend to mess with people mental state. In my case, creating balance is not a problem and sometimes, I fall out of my practice because I can't help it.

I don't expect too much from anything in this world, expecting too much and ending up with disappointment can be a real issue for me so I have learned to just let things happen when it's beyond my control.

Contentment is another thing that helps me create balance, I find myself at peace both mentally and physically since I made it a practice to me contended, this doesn't stop me from doing more but at that moment, whatever I have is perfect and I am happy.

I plan to make a post for this week prompt so I will share some practice that helps me maintain balance.

Thanks for sharing some tips about creating balance, I find them valuable and applicable. Great night...

 2 years ago  

I find that people tend to off-load on others, instead of taking responsibility and eliminating things that need to go from their lives; All that causes mental and emotional stress.

Contentment is another thing that helps me create balance, I find myself at peace both mentally and physically since I made it a practice to be contented this doesn't stop me from doing more but at that moment, whatever I have is perfect and I am happy.

✅I think you have the right understanding of contentment.

Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to write on the prompt or on any of the theme days whenever you have something to contribute. None of these have rigid timelines.

Have a lovely day too:)

I love the analogy you used with the tire pressure on your tricycle.

and remember that we cannot dictate others' feelings, but we can be mindful of our own.

Sometimes we don't remember this and it leads us down blind alleys. But if we are aware of this, and we are clear about our priorities in life, it is much easier to make the load on our shoulders much lighter, right?:)

I love your photo with the tricycle 😍🤗

 2 years ago  

Thank you. Seing that photo brought back many joyous memories 😊
Yes, I'm happy you get the picture, as it does make a difference where we invest our energies and time.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a lovely day💐😍 🤗

My dear @millycf1976 it has been so uplifting to read your post. I was fascinated by the natural approach you talk about, analyzing all the factors involved before making a decision is a habit we should cultivate to avoid negative consequences.

On the other hand I am very struck by the fact that you know your stress zone and you do your best to channel that tension. I am currently struggling with muscle pain in my hip that extends into my left leg. I get that pain only when I am stressed. Thanks to your post I now know that I need to work that area by lightening loads.

Besides instructive your post is a gem for the positive nuance it carries 😉😉.

 2 years ago  

I'm sorry to hear about the pain in your hip that travels to your leg when you're stressed. The hips are an important channel/meridian/chakra through the body where most of our emotional blockages are held (that's in ancient medical beliefs). So with some self-work, more exploration and acceptance of some truth within you, you might find some improvement. You've always been one to introspect and grow from within, so maybe give it some more thought. Last night when I wrote this post, it made me realise that I also need to look deeper into why I feel pain and strains in the areas that I do, at the onset of stress. Life is beautiful when we apply patience and tender care with ourselves.
Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you a lovely day 🤗Thanks for your lovely reply @abisag

Thank you for your suggestions. Rest assured that I will take them into account because as you mention we must be tender with ourselves.

A big hug 💞💞💞💞

 2 years ago  


There's a reason I am very selective of people I associate with. Many have accused me of being proud but that's not it. I just hate drama. Naturally, I'm sensitive and a big softie who doesn't want to be one because little things get to me. To avoid being in situations where I'm stressed emotional, I'm really picky of my people. I can't handle too much luggage.

I see that's the case for you too. I know it takes an awful lot of time and practice to be calm and reasonable in stressful conditions but I don't let that deter me from actually building that habit. This year, I've made bad decisions and reflecting on them has made me wiser. I think with my head now and not stress levels.

Stress can make someone take a huge bite of what he can't chew. These past weeks it's been a huge temptation to get a loan but I know my breaking point. Getting a loan is ultimately sealing my stress fate. So I'd rather bide my time.

Thank you for sharing this with us. I loved it. ❤️

 2 years ago  

I'm glad that this resonates with you.😊
Yes, I'm a natural loner, and find that it helps me to avoid much external stress:)

That bike analogy you used spoke volumes. A perfect way to describe balance. I love the part where you talked about being observant of your symptoms. Paying attention to those little ticks that make you know that the pressure is becoming too much.
I recent had the pressure crash down on me because of inability to properly balance issues and I'm thinking of writing it for my post today.

I !luv your words.💞

 2 years ago  

Thank you 😊
Yeah, it's important to be in tune with ourselves.
I'm a pleasure-seeker, so if something does bring a spark, then I have to let it go.
You should definitely write about your recent experience, as it might help to put things into perspective and even bring further clarity.🤗

You're welcome. The things you write are always relatable so it makes it easy to connect.
And yeah, writing about it did bring me some level of peace and I'm glad for it.🤗

 2 years ago  

Thanks 😊

Hello, Milly
Your cool bike reminds to always do sports even just with bike.

Pressure is always on us. Whenever we feel tired, the pressure is more weight. That is great you are traveling to reduce the pressure.
Talking with loved ones and Enjoying natural views are perfect idea too.

Hai, Milly
Sepedamu yang keren mengingatkanku untuk selalu melakukan olahraga meskipun hanya dengan sepeda.

Tekanan selalu ada pada diri kita. Kapanpun kita merasa lelah, itu akan semakin terasa beban berat. Itu bagus kamu melakukan traveling untuk mengurangi tekanan.
Berbicara dengan orang tercinta dan menikmati pemandangan alam juga ide yang bagus

Greetings from Indonesia.

 2 years ago  

Hello there!
Thank you 😊
Yes, biking is great cardio and leg workout. I particularly loved my trike because it was heavy gear and I rode hilly areas every day in the hot sun with intense humidity. I was in top shape and my cardio was the best it has been all my life.

Yes, talking with loved ones is great, but personally, I like solving my problems myself as I think all the answers are within me. Being in nature and taking in lovely scenes makes such moments of self-reflecting more pleasurable.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great day:)

Hi @millycf1976, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord

 2 years ago  

Thank for your support @teamuk:)

What a funky trike!

!LUV it

 2 years ago  

Thanks 😊
The original trike was basic without even a bell, horn, or lights. Shortly after I bought it, hubby came home one night and saw shiny rearview mirrors reflecting under the light. He nearly died 🤣
A few years later @diveratt upgraded it to an e-trike and I was always at the bicycle shop looking for ways to #PimpMyRide 😂

It was a fun little project and you were so quick

I also ride a bicycle Cycling can improve both physical and mental health, and can reduce the chances of experiencing many health problems your blog is very beautiful its words very Interesting for read and this blog for all people it message ❤️@millycf1976

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by.
I'm happy to hear that you also enjoy cycling, and yes, there are so many benefits to be had from it:)

Yes you are right cycling has many benefits if we use it in our daily life.👍

I've never ride on a trike... Would love and experience on it... It looks beautiful 😍

 2 years ago  

It was a wonderful experience:)

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