The tire illustration is quite impressive and it explains the need for balance in our lives both physically and mentally.
Finding mental balance doesn't seem to be big deal but in the world we live today, a lot of thing tend to mess with people mental state. In my case, creating balance is not a problem and sometimes, I fall out of my practice because I can't help it.
I don't expect too much from anything in this world, expecting too much and ending up with disappointment can be a real issue for me so I have learned to just let things happen when it's beyond my control.
Contentment is another thing that helps me create balance, I find myself at peace both mentally and physically since I made it a practice to me contended, this doesn't stop me from doing more but at that moment, whatever I have is perfect and I am happy.
I plan to make a post for this week prompt so I will share some practice that helps me maintain balance.
Thanks for sharing some tips about creating balance, I find them valuable and applicable. Great night...
I find that people tend to off-load on others, instead of taking responsibility and eliminating things that need to go from their lives; All that causes mental and emotional stress.
✅I think you have the right understanding of contentment.
Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to write on the prompt or on any of the theme days whenever you have something to contribute. None of these have rigid timelines.
Have a lovely day too:)