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RE: Checking the Pressure

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Hello, Milly
Your cool bike reminds to always do sports even just with bike.

Pressure is always on us. Whenever we feel tired, the pressure is more weight. That is great you are traveling to reduce the pressure.
Talking with loved ones and Enjoying natural views are perfect idea too.

Hai, Milly
Sepedamu yang keren mengingatkanku untuk selalu melakukan olahraga meskipun hanya dengan sepeda.

Tekanan selalu ada pada diri kita. Kapanpun kita merasa lelah, itu akan semakin terasa beban berat. Itu bagus kamu melakukan traveling untuk mengurangi tekanan.
Berbicara dengan orang tercinta dan menikmati pemandangan alam juga ide yang bagus

Greetings from Indonesia.

 2 years ago  

Hello there!
Thank you 😊
Yes, biking is great cardio and leg workout. I particularly loved my trike because it was heavy gear and I rode hilly areas every day in the hot sun with intense humidity. I was in top shape and my cardio was the best it has been all my life.

Yes, talking with loved ones is great, but personally, I like solving my problems myself as I think all the answers are within me. Being in nature and taking in lovely scenes makes such moments of self-reflecting more pleasurable.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great day:)