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RE: Checking the Pressure

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about the pain in your hip that travels to your leg when you're stressed. The hips are an important channel/meridian/chakra through the body where most of our emotional blockages are held (that's in ancient medical beliefs). So with some self-work, more exploration and acceptance of some truth within you, you might find some improvement. You've always been one to introspect and grow from within, so maybe give it some more thought. Last night when I wrote this post, it made me realise that I also need to look deeper into why I feel pain and strains in the areas that I do, at the onset of stress. Life is beautiful when we apply patience and tender care with ourselves.
Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you a lovely day 🤗Thanks for your lovely reply @abisag


Thank you for your suggestions. Rest assured that I will take them into account because as you mention we must be tender with ourselves.

A big hug 💞💞💞💞

 2 years ago  
