Nurturing My Moon Being

Emotional is my middle name. I've always been ruled by my emotions - hey, my moon's in Cancer, alright? It's both my superpower and my weakness.

Whether or not you place any stock in star signs, for me they've helped me understand myself. There's a few aspects to having a Cancer moon that really resonate with me. When The Minimalist community asked what we do to tune in with our emotions and look after our well being I couldn't help but think of this framework of understanding my emotional body.


I'm Quick & Willing To Uncover Buried Emotions

The thing is, often we're emoting because we haven't dealt with the underlayers of feeling that we often supress, medicate, disguise, and ignore. I have a huge reservoir of emotion that's always threatening to bubble over, so if I don't sit with what's coming up as it comes up, I am, in a nutshell, totally screwed.

If I'm feeling overwhelmed and emotional, I know to go into my yoga room, shut the door, and breath - or walk it out and figure out why I'm feeling like I'm feeling, and what I can do to figure it out.

I Am A Cyclical Being

As the moon waxes and wanes, so do our emotions. Knowing this helps me not lock in particularly emotional states. I embrace fully the idea that 'this will pass'. It is better to come from a place of non-resistance and non-reaction, recognising 'this sensation is frustration' as it bubbles in my chest, rather than 'I am frustrated'.

How can one identify with that that is ever changing?

I Am an Empathy Queen - But I Need People to Fuck Off

I read people's emotions with my body, so if a loved ones suffering, so am I, and will do what I can to alleviate that. Yet this drains my energy so badly that I have to hide - it's why I tend to label myself an introvert, though it's not exactly that. I'm hypersensitive. It's like being on high alert, all the time. I know why I'm like this (I've analysed my emotions like you wouldn't believe - see point 1) and I know that the only way I can recharge is to be in my own blissful space - and that includes sans husbands.

I Keep My Own Schedules

I don't like being told what to do - and understanding my luna Cancer side made me totally get that's because I like to ride my own ebb and flow, and I get upset when people disrupt that. It's why I don't want to work, and why my phone is on silent. Let me ebb and flow to my own schedule, please.


Analysing myself via astrology is just a framework, rather than an absolute. It's a good tool that helps me with those 'a-ha' revelations - oh, maybe I'm like this because. I totally get it when people outright dismiss it as pseudoscience - I'm cynical by nature. Even my husband rolls his eyes if I psycho analyse his Gemini-ness.

But there are big lessons in it for me about how to navigate my emotional ocean - lessons that keep me on a level, at least a little bit.

With Love,


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**The photos are my own.


How nice to read this friend, I am also very emotional and I have felt those peaks of very high and low emotions, I also calm down, I try to breathe, I talk to God and I try to connect with my inner being and I tell him that everything is fine and it's going to be alright. Greetings and thank you for sharing your being with all of us. Blessings.

I don't believe in God, but I totally get what you mean. For me, it can be connecting to the divine self, or the divine behind the ego self - I do think that's almost the same thing. I'm glad this works for you.

I understand friend, the good thing is to connect with our inner being and seek peace and harmony.

Unresolved emotions are scary, they come at us when we least expect. True, 'this will also pass' should constantly remind us not to get swallowed in the trauma of destabilized emotions. Perhaps, escaping to one's space is what makes people term others as introvert. Good script here

Thanks. Getting 'swallowed' is a good way to put it.

You're welcome

Haha, it made me laugh when you said, "Even my husband rolls his eyes if I psycho analyze his Gemini-ness."

Personally, I have mixed feelings about astrology. On the one hand, I don't particularly want to believe in it, but on the other, I don't want to reject it outright either. I downloaded the mobile application "The Pattern", but I haven't consulted it much because it's not very ergonomic. However, I can't bring myself to uninstall it, and I've had it for at least four weeks now.

I don't know why, maybe because some of the things I've read in the application seem right. I can't really grasp all the aspects of astrology. It's an area I'd like to explore further, even if I'm not necessarily convinced, especially as it's not scientifically proven. But I don't know, there's a little voice inside me that says "maybe".

To be honest, I feel the same - yet I've also made some remarkable personal discoveries over the years. Perhaps it's coincidence, I agree. Perhaps it's just what you are looking at.

I've had my chart read a couple of times and each time I've learnt something amazing from it - amazing enough to change the way I see things about myself. There's also things that come up so true. I'm talking seeing the whole picture - not just your sun sign eg 'you're a Libra so you're balanced'. There's all the other houses and planets at play. And there's people I just think are freaking awesome because of particular traits and I think to myself - oh, I bet they are a such and such and lo and behold, they are. I've been to workshops where I have been moved to tears about what I've discovered in my chart.

You know, I wouldn't bet my life on it. I won't even argue with Jamie about it. And I feel uncomfortable when people use it to rule their lives amd make firm judgements about other people. But it's always just really gelled with me.

I wonder if these are coincidences. This morning, I consulted the Pattern application on my phone again, thinking about your article.

I found a graph that I thought you might be able to interpret. Not understanding it myself, I asked some astrology-loving friends. It turns out that my chart's interpretations match me surprisingly well.

That said, I wonder if these descriptions are general enough to apply to almost anyone. I don't know, but it's nice to read such things, as they give the impression of greater self-knowledge.

As for the rest, I totally agree with you. I don't base my life on it, but it's amazing how my perception changes after reading a few things that seem to concern me.

I'm thinking of writing an article on Hive about my graph, because I find it really interesting and feel I need to express it.

Hi...finally I can get to you again and seeing your post...nice to see you again @riverflows