To be honest, I feel the same - yet I've also made some remarkable personal discoveries over the years. Perhaps it's coincidence, I agree. Perhaps it's just what you are looking at.
I've had my chart read a couple of times and each time I've learnt something amazing from it - amazing enough to change the way I see things about myself. There's also things that come up so true. I'm talking seeing the whole picture - not just your sun sign eg 'you're a Libra so you're balanced'. There's all the other houses and planets at play. And there's people I just think are freaking awesome because of particular traits and I think to myself - oh, I bet they are a such and such and lo and behold, they are. I've been to workshops where I have been moved to tears about what I've discovered in my chart.
You know, I wouldn't bet my life on it. I won't even argue with Jamie about it. And I feel uncomfortable when people use it to rule their lives amd make firm judgements about other people. But it's always just really gelled with me.
I wonder if these are coincidences. This morning, I consulted the Pattern application on my phone again, thinking about your article.
I found a graph that I thought you might be able to interpret. Not understanding it myself, I asked some astrology-loving friends. It turns out that my chart's interpretations match me surprisingly well.
That said, I wonder if these descriptions are general enough to apply to almost anyone. I don't know, but it's nice to read such things, as they give the impression of greater self-knowledge.
As for the rest, I totally agree with you. I don't base my life on it, but it's amazing how my perception changes after reading a few things that seem to concern me.
I'm thinking of writing an article on Hive about my graph, because I find it really interesting and feel I need to express it.