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RE: "Out of Fashion"

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Bespoke is the way to go, but some readymade clothes surely do stand out, especially winterwear.

However, I'd say we are the "lucky ones" when it comes to clothing. The big stack of black t-shirts you have, if you could sell these abroad you'd at least make 10x to 20x more on those. 😂

So we surely are getting our clothes for cheap, and it's not like those t-shirts are of bad quality either. Those t-shirts are some of the finest and very well made t-shirts I've seen, and for the price I paid, it was an absolute steal. That is why affordable clothing, style, and looking good should be one of the last on our lists, the least of our worries.


There is a reason we get stuff for cheap because textile has a home base in our country. We are cheating our way through style if you have a sense of fashion.

I'm caught up with everything so much that I don't have the time to research how I would sell the T-shirts I have in my inventory. I almost want to give them away for half the price. To clear my inventory. If I plan to enter the market, I can start a business with a few intelligent people I know. It could be a door to financial freedom and such.

We are cheating our way through style if you have a sense of fashion.


It could be a door to financial freedom and such.

Clothing business is a profitable one, especially if you know how to market it properly.