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RE: When Bees meet at the local Oasis

You know there is a phrase among photographers: limitation is sparking creativity!
Limit in focal length makes you move around, trying different perspectives on a subject. Getting closer, getting farther away. Taking a shot from the ground up or top down. All of this gives different results. Some maybe more pleasant to you than others. But in the very end, they teach you a lot about what is possible even with veing somewhat limited in technology. You'll never be limited in your imagination and creativity.
So turn your limitation into an opportunity. And lopking at those lovely pictures I can see you obviously did!
Thanks for sharing them as well as your thoughts in the beginning. And the run for water started a lpng time ago already. And I sincerely believe it's going to tighten up quite fast. Unfortunately...

Have a nice Wednesday and take care dear @anttn


Yes, that's really how I felt in that context! But it's absolutely true as a stimulus :D

For the run for water, I agree also, but for sure, there must be some technics and good practices to find and save some !

Have a lovely Friday dear aaskablackwolf !