When Bees meet at the local Oasis


Who hasn't heard injunctions on this subject lately ? The fight for this vital resource seems to be intensifying, and in particular, it seems to me, to privatise this element that is essential to the proper functioning of thousands of organisms on this planet.

I could just as easily have said, "water is life", but you would have labelled me a conspiracy theorist or an extreme conformist, depending on the point of view adopted.

The problem with these decisions is that they are not free from conflicts of interest and profound inequality. Do you think that in the future thousands of people will be allowed to water their vegetable garden rather than a lost technology factory in Spain ? Well, no, quite the opposite is going to happen. Just take a look at one of @samstonehill's latest articles for proof. It's up to you, like me, to look things in the face, without any particular opinion or desire as to the simple reality of the facts.

There is a deep-seated hypocrisy in the Western world, and although it's clearly not new, it seems - unfortunately - to have a bright future ahead of it. This hypocrisy and cowardice also applies to environmental and climate issues, but having reached this point in my introduction, I thought it would be more appropriate to write a full article on the subject.



But while we await the results of this small-scale survey, let's focus on today's images. They were all taken in the small shared garden we have access to in the north of Paris. Equipped with my Nikon D5500 and my Sigma 17-70mm lens, I set off on a very hot, dry afternoon for a walk, the likes of which I hadn't seen for some time.


Just beside the entrance, a luxuriant pond has been installed. In this volume of a few thousand litres of water, a dozen fish swim peacefully. But when the weather gets hot, the flat leaves of the water lilies are covered with dozens of thirsty bees, sticking out their little tongues in the direction of the precious liquid.


At first, the sun was still beating down directly on the little pond, but when the last rays disappeared, that's when the bees began to appear in greater numbers.

Leaning towards them, I took shot after shot and from time to time, a squad of these gentlest of insects came to visit me and assessed my potential danger towards them. As you might have guessed, I had a score of 0, because of all the insects, bees are certainly among my favorites !



I stood there for a long time, watching these insects come and go, and I had to spend half the time taking images and the other half doing the same thing... but with my eyes and my brain as my only devices.

Because in the end, if I have one criticism to make about this lens, it's that the macro option that's indicated is clearly not a real one ! I've rarely been disappointed by this lens, but it has to be said that it's often when I've tried to get as close as possible to my subjects that I've missed a good fixed focal length of at least 105mm.

But let's not fool ourselves, I'm still very satisfied with these images, they lack sharpness for me, but they have the merit of existing, I took them with what I could technically and I took great pleasure in it! That's the main thing, isn't it ?




I'd be even happier to read that you've enjoyed this article and also if you could give me some tips for similar shots. I hope you're having a great weekend with your loved ones, and I'll see you soon,



All these images are mine. Zero AI in this article ;-)

L'eau. Qui n'a pas entendu d'injonctions à ce propos de cela dernièrement ? Les luttes pour cette ressource vitale semblent s'intensifier et surtout à ce qu'il me semble, pour privatiser cet élément indispensable au bon fonctionnement de milliers de types d'organismes sur cette Planète.

J'aurai peu tout aussi bien dire, "l'eau c'est la vie", mais vous m'auriez taxé de complotiste ou bien d'extrême conformiste, suivant le point de vue adopté.

Le souci avec ces décisions, c'est qu'elles ne sont pas exemptes de conflits d'intérêt ainsi que d'une profonde inégalité. Vous pensez que l'on autorisera à l'avenir de milliers de gens à arroser leur potager plutôt qu'une usine de technologie perdue en Espagne ? Et bien non, c'est même tout le contraire qui va se produire. Vous n'avez qu'à aller voir un des derniers articles de @samstonehill pour vous en convaincre. À moi que comme moi, vous regardiez les choses en face, sans opinion ou désir particulier quant à la simple réalité des faits.

Il y a une profonde hypocrisie qui habite le monde occidental et bien que cela ne date clairement pas d'hier, celle-ci semble - malheureusement - avoir de beaux jours devant elle. Cette hypocrisie et cette lâcheté s'applique aussi à l'aspects environnemental et climatique, mais arrivé à ce point de mon introduction, je me dis qu'il serait plus souhaitable que je face un article complet sur ce sujet.



Mais en attendant les résultats de cette petite enquête réalisée à l'échelle individuelle, focalisons-nous avant tout sur les images d'aujourd'hui. Toutes ont été réalisées dans le petit jardin partagé où nous avons accès dans le nord de Paris. Équipé de mon Nikon D5500 et de mon objectif Sigma 17-70mm, je suis parti par un très chaud et sec après-midi, faire un tour comme je ne m'y étais pas rendu depuis quelques temps.


Juste à côté de l'entrée, un bassin luxuriant a été installé. Dans ce volume de quelques milliers de litres d'eau, une dizaine de poissons évoluent paisiblement. Mais lorsque les périodes chaudes surviennent, on peut voir les feuilles plates des nénuphars se recouvrirent de dizaines d'abeilles assoiffées, dardant leurs petites langues en direction du précieux liquide.


Au début, le soleil frappait encore directement le petit bassin, mais lorsque les derniers rayons disparurent, ce fut à ce moment là que les abeilles se firent plus nombreuses.

Penché vers elles, je prenais cliché après cliché et de temps à autres, une escouade de ces insectes parmi les plus doux venait me rendre visite et évaluait mon potentiel de dangerosité envers elles. Vous l'aurez compris, celui-ci était à 0 puisque de tous les insectes, les abeilles comptent très certainement parmi mes favorites !



Je suis resté là un long moment, à observer ces insectes partir et revenir et j'ai dû passer la moitié du temps à prendre des images et l'autre à faire la même chose... mais avec mes yeux et mon cerveau pour seuls appareils.

Car au final, si je dois émettre une critique par rapport à cet objectif, c'est que l'option macro qui est indiquée n'en est clairement pas une ! J'ai été assez rarement déçu par cet objectif, mais il faut dire que c'est souvent lorsque j'ai tenté de m'approcher au plus près de mes sujets que j'ai pu regretter une bonne focale fixe de 105mm au moins.

Mais ne nous y trompons pas, je suis tout de même très satisfait de ces images, elles manquent pour moi de piqué, mais elles ont le mérite d'exister, je les ai prises avec ce que je pouvais techniquement et j'y ai pris un très grand plaisir ! C'est l'essentiel, non ?




Je serai encore plus heureux de lire que vous avez apprécié cet article et aussi si vous me donniez des conseils pour des prises de vue du même genre. J'espère que vous passez un très bon weekend avec vos proches, à très bientôt,



Toutes ces images sont les miennes. Zéro AI dans cet article ;-)


We have bees that collect every year at the same place on a bend in our canal to drink the water and watching them this year I have had similar thoughts, regarding the absurd regulations for humans.

Things have changed quite a lot around here since I wrote the post to describe the total ban on watering & harvesting in the Pyrenees-Orientales. We have been making orgonite pyramids & cones since then, each one infused with our desire for balanced weather. We have also been singing an old Mauri song as a family which is said to encourage the rain and purify it. And since then it has rained almost every day. For over a month now.

Just in the last few days they had no choice but to terminate the rule prohibiting us from harvesting. We still cannot legally take water from the canal however. Unlike the bees.

In addition to this my knowledge of how to make the perfect 'cloudbuster' (weather harmoniser) has expanded substantially in the last month and when I do finally put the pieces together (hopefully in the next few weeks) we will never again experience long term drought as we did last year. Unlike the little orgonites we are making now, this machine will affect a much larger area, supposedly a radius of 45 miles.

If you are looking for a sharper macro image that Sigma lens cannot provide it for you. I am a Canon user so unsure what lens to recommend, but you should know that lenses are more important than the camera body in the way they make our images look. Bottom line is that money must be spent to get a pin sharp image.

Yes, it's images that we all have animals helping themselves to their fair share are so much fairer than all the stupid regulations of this type made by humans. We can only laugh at such mediocrity and it always reminds us of the Amerindian proverb about money not being eaten.

I'm looking forward to the next updates of this cloudbuster, I've already seen the pyramids and god ! they were just magnificent with all the good vibes you've placed inside ! I'll also be interested to hear the song you mention here... for future rainless episodes...

I know that fixed focal lengths always beat zooms, let's say at a similar price, but it's so practical for making a wide range of images !

Thank you for your detailed feedback, I wish you every success in the future and I hope you and all the family are well 🌱

The song. Yes yes yes. I must post it.

I have in fact written an extended version on the piano which I will try to record with my family singing. In the meantime here is the orgone donor page I read which motivated me to do this:


While I no longer agree with Mitch (the orgone donor) on many of his aluminium based ideas, the song really resonated with me. Especially the idea that the effect is increased if we sing it around orgonite. It wasn't easy getting the little ones to memorise the strange sounding words but it is done now and we sing it at least once a week. Four times, facing each of the cardinal points.

And all I can tell you is that it continues to rain at least once a day and our plants are looking better than ever. Plus I don't have to do any watering! Which is like a dream :)

All the best to you 🙏

Thank you !

This orgonite thing is a new area to discover for me, so thank also for documenting the subject in your articles 😊

I will have to look closer about this song as we'll start our true garden in the coming times !

Have a lovely day 🌱

You know there is a phrase among photographers: limitation is sparking creativity!
Limit in focal length makes you move around, trying different perspectives on a subject. Getting closer, getting farther away. Taking a shot from the ground up or top down. All of this gives different results. Some maybe more pleasant to you than others. But in the very end, they teach you a lot about what is possible even with veing somewhat limited in technology. You'll never be limited in your imagination and creativity.
So turn your limitation into an opportunity. And lopking at those lovely pictures I can see you obviously did!
Thanks for sharing them as well as your thoughts in the beginning. And the run for water started a lpng time ago already. And I sincerely believe it's going to tighten up quite fast. Unfortunately...

Have a nice Wednesday and take care dear @anttn

Yes, that's really how I felt in that context! But it's absolutely true as a stimulus :D

For the run for water, I agree also, but for sure, there must be some technics and good practices to find and save some !

Have a lovely Friday dear aaskablackwolf !

Wow, haven’t seen that before.
Pretty cool 😎
Thanks for sharing @anttn
Have a lovely Sunday 👋🏻😊😘

As soon as it starts to get warm, there's water and bees not too far away, you can almost be sure of seeing this :D

You're most welcome dear, I hope you had a lovely weekend ✌️

Aha, I need to have a look around then.
Thank you so much, I did. Hope your weekend was great too.
Enjoy the new week 👋🏻😊😘

👀 hehehe !

It was great indeed ! Full of good moments and rest !
How was yours ?

Have a good start of this new week too ✌️😘

That’s good 😊
I am still getting organised in this rental house, unpacking things and repacking in other boxes.
As it is small… I can’t unpack all, but still need to find things hehehe
And I relaxed a bit. Did have a migraine yesterday… luckily this morning is better.
Have a wonderful day today @anttn 👋🏻😊😘

I hope that by the time I'm answering to you, this migraine is gone 🤞 !

I guess you like organizing things, even if that could be tiring sometimes though...

Courage for the next steps 😉

It is much better today again… it is improving every day. So all good.

I need to as I am not organised yet here. We might get some visitors and the guest bedroom is a bomb site hahaha 🤣 boxes all over.

Thanks a lot, for you too 😉 Courage!

Sorry, the LUVbot is currently out of LUV!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Many thanks 😊 !

Have a good week ahead ✌️

Cher @anttn, votre contenu a été sélectionné manuellement par les curateurs @deadzy, @mintrawa pour recevoir une curation de la communauté Francophone Hive-FR

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Merci à vous ✌️


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@itharagaian(2/5) tipped @anttn

wow you managed to take some nice shots of the swarm of bees using your lens, everything looks so beautiful

Thank you for visiting ! I wish I could have been even closer :))

So many bees, were you not afraid to get closer to them? 😅

Not at all, if you move slowly and pay attention to not disturb them, they will (almost) never sting as this is equivalent to death for them. On the other hand, hornets and wasps can sting several times without any problem.

Thank you for visiting dear @jane1289 :)

Have a lovely day !

 last year  Reveal Comment

Thank you dear @decoding !

I could spend hours looking at these :)

Have a great Sunday ✌️

 last year  Reveal Comment

Oui, c'est franchement désespérant au fond, c'est pourquoi je m'attache très vite à ces insectes parmi les plus doux que l'on puisse trouver. De toute façon, leur plan est clair, remplacer le naturel par le technologique. Il semblerait pourtant qu'ils n'aient toujours pas compris que la nature pouvait soutenir la technologie, mais que l'inverse n'est pas vrai... !

Bonne semaine à toi 🤞

 last year  Reveal Comment

Oui, j'imagine que cela doit être plus simple là-bas ! Ici l'ordre administratif aboutit invariablement à un sacré désordre haha !

Bonne journée à toi ✌️

Family first ! Surtout si ta mère commence à être assez âgée..

Je ne savais pas que des Français avaient commencé à planter du café ici, intéressant et merci de m'en faire part !

J'espère que tu trouveras le bon équilibre !!