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RE: Missing at another Christmas

Christmas does bring so many memories of ones that have passed, people and pets. My pet cat from way back in childhood days, to my brothers dog, my dogs, and our (my wife and I), dog. It is a time of hard memories, the memory of the loss, but also a time of soft memories, or funny ones, like when my child hood cat got nicknamed the monster by a friend. She was a guard cat, and did not like people just coming in the door with out knocking.

The silent or boisterous communications with our pets will never be forgotten, cat meowing talk, barking talk, and then just the look in the eyes talk. I can not imagine life with out a pet to share it with.


She was a guard cat, and did not like people just coming in the door with out knocking.

:D I wonder what she did now :)

I can not imagine life with out a pet to share it with.

We will get another at some point when Smallsteps is a little older and can walk it by herself sometimes. For now, things have been so difficult in the last few years, as much as we want one, we will wait.

I understand that waiting part, she is close to that age and the right time will come for the three of you, of course guided by her want.

She, (Simba), jumped at and held on to his chest, he was lucky it was a cool day and he had a coat on. It was so funny to watch him back peddle out the door, and as soon as he did she released him and stood walking back and forth at the door sill. Mean meowing at him. She relented when I pet her and said it was okay, he came in then she ribbed against his leg like nothing happened.

he came in then she ribbed against his leg like nothing happened.

This is what is awesome about cats - they are always in the moment.