It is that time of the year - presents are mostly bought, the house is getting clean, the ingredients for the food gathered and we have bought our first real Christmas tree for our family. At the moment it is thawing out a bit.
One thing is missing though ... for the second Christmas.
Viski, our dog.
Yesterday was the first anniversary of his passing, after we had to take him to the vet for his final moments. It was hard - but the right thing to do as he was in pain and it was only going to get worse. I miss him still. He had personality.
Christmas is a time that many of us remember the people we have lost, as it is so often a time that we collect together with family and close friends - so their lack of presence is felt, like an empty seat at the table, a story they would repeat every year, the flash of thought of what they might like as a present.
It is a bit different for me here, since I don't really have family that have shared stories from the past with me, so it is all on my wife's side. It is nice to listen to them share their stories and laugh together, but it is also bittersweet, as there is the reminder of loss and a sense of loneliness too. No story I can tell will connect with them emotionally - will lead them to reflect on their past - at least from a shared perspective. Those stories just don't exist, at least not yet.

I am looking forward to having these moments with my daughter, where she recalls her childhood memories at the table and the times things didn't go to plan. Maybe they weren't all funny at the time, but looking back, time reveals the humor in the moments and reminds of how simple life was. This may be why a lot of people look back at childhood through golden glass, as times were simple, no responsibility, no need to do, other than enjoy.
Of course, this innocence doesn't last for long and the perfect images start to crack and fade, as the truth seeps through - parents struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof overhead, economic and social failure, inequality, disaster, pain, hurt and violence in the world at every conceivable level and in every way imaginable and unimaginable. This world is a mess.

But, this could be why people get so attached to their pets, because they maintain their innocence, are unaware of all of the challenges we face and want nothing more than to keep us company, to have our attention, to give theirs to us. There is no complexity in the relationship, no communication problems, no need for social façade, it is simple - each can be themselves, trust in each others nature and accept as is.
Good day or bad day, Viski would come and sit next to my leg, throw his paw over like in the last picture and look up at me, asking for a scratch behind the ear. It didn't matter how I felt, I would always oblige and always feel better for it - never a word needed to pass between us.
We can never actually know what animals are thinking, but I can't imagine this dog having a bad thought about anything at all. A good life.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
There is a certain selfless innocence to animals that humans forfeit early on as children. Yeah, the holidays are a tough one. I remember losing my late sweetheart a few years ago in December. Her passing has colored that month, replacing the festive season with a myriad of emotions. It will be tough for your family in the lose of your pet. I feel for you. Blessings.
Loss is always hard and I think that it is a good thing. The pain fades in time, replaced by good memories and that sense of value forever lost. It is good to reflect on these things to carry into our next experiences.
These are adorable. I love the colors of the tree and the lights behind the dog.
It was a fun shoot too - there was also my daughter as a little baby in some - but Viski wanted some of the limelight.
My heart goes out to you and your family. I understand fully the emptiness you feel.
It was March 2021 when I had to take my own sweet girl on her last car ride. Here she is resting in her final moments and still I cry for her. We miss them as family because theyare family.

Aww. Brings back memories.
They are family and perhaps in many ways, closer than actual family as they see us as us, without us hiding or their judgement.
Yep! You never have to lie to your dog. They love you regardless. People should be more like dogs lol
Those are beautiful photographs of your dog. Your skillz did him justice.
For this reason, I haven't had a pet for more than five years. It is sad when they die. My pets died unexpectedly.
I am not sure what is worse, unexpected or planned. I know that for me, I would prefer to pass unexpectedly - other people who find me might disagree.
Very sad moment for you 🥺. It's really hard to forget the loved ones. Dogs are really faithful and have more attraction with owner.
They judge less and are more willing to give than humans.
Christmas does bring so many memories of ones that have passed, people and pets. My pet cat from way back in childhood days, to my brothers dog, my dogs, and our (my wife and I), dog. It is a time of hard memories, the memory of the loss, but also a time of soft memories, or funny ones, like when my child hood cat got nicknamed the monster by a friend. She was a guard cat, and did not like people just coming in the door with out knocking.
The silent or boisterous communications with our pets will never be forgotten, cat meowing talk, barking talk, and then just the look in the eyes talk. I can not imagine life with out a pet to share it with.
:D I wonder what she did now :)
We will get another at some point when Smallsteps is a little older and can walk it by herself sometimes. For now, things have been so difficult in the last few years, as much as we want one, we will wait.
I understand that waiting part, she is close to that age and the right time will come for the three of you, of course guided by her want.
She, (Simba), jumped at and held on to his chest, he was lucky it was a cool day and he had a coat on. It was so funny to watch him back peddle out the door, and as soon as he did she released him and stood walking back and forth at the door sill. Mean meowing at him. She relented when I pet her and said it was okay, he came in then she ribbed against his leg like nothing happened.
This is what is awesome about cats - they are always in the moment.
It is very painful to lost a loved one because their memories will be felt likewise me I lost my dad a day after Christmas and this year will make it a four years remembrance of him.
A day after Christmas must be hard. My condolences. My dad passed a year and a half ago too.
Oh it is part of life and it's what one must experience
Oh it is so sad for Viski. Such a cute dog. It really hurts when someone that close to you passes away. I hope you and your family will bear with it.
it is okay now, but my wife was upset for a long time and yesterday on the anniversary, wasn't so happy.
Awwwnn, so sad and it must be really hard to forget about visko
Never forget - at least I try not to :)
The most loyal pet would be the dog. If a faithful animal dies, it is very sad. I can understand your grief because I also lost a dog.
What kind of dog did you have?
So sorry about your pet. I’m not a pet person but I can understand what and how emotional attachment to something feels like
Have you ever had a pet?
No I haven’t
Maybe one day you will have a pet and think "why didn't I do this sooner!!" - or not :)
I think about that sometimes.
Hermosa tu mascota
He does look like a dog with great personality. I'm sure that with you, he had the best life a dog could hope for. Great pictures, by the way :)
Dear friend @tarazkp , certainly a pet is very useful, just like you have Viski, I have my dog Cookie who always accompanies me in my yoga practices, she has even appeared in my publications for Hive. In the most unexpected moments our pet harmonizes my environment, never leaves me alone. Your post is very thoughtful and refreshing. with affection @omarrojas. Successes
Christmas is coming and it is one of the festivals I await all the year. Actually, I love how Christmas is celebrated. In our country, during Christmas, many Christmas fairs are organized at various places. I make sure I make to one of them.
Also, as you clean your whole house during Christmas, we do the same during Diwali. Diwali is the most important festival of India.
Last but not the least, sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose your loved one. But still, we have to go on anyway.
I love that second last straight up the snoot pic XD
It gets easier but it's still hard when they're not there. I'm constantly missing pets as well and we've had a few x_x
Our two dogs are getting on now and I'm dreading having to do that again in the not-too-distant future, and then we also have two young cats (not kittens, they're and we're likely to get more dogs because we're suckers for punishment I guess
Take it easy.
Can be hard. Was for us. I don't get people who have pets and then don't look after them like family.