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RE: Never the same again... How photography school is already changing me.

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

i had the autopilot post opened for few days as i wanted to write a comment but hectic week. really liked those and you can see that you started to think different about the photos.

I was at a point that I was annoyed with myself for only shooting cliche photos of nice places that I visited.

the problem with great photos and especially of nature is that most don't think about what is needed to make them. i had a running joke with my friend while in Switzerland. I was there to do some photos for him for his fitness job and we visited some unbelievably beautiful places. And every time he asked me how the photo looks my answer was "not spectacular" :) photos were ok, i was happy with them, but for a nature photo to be spectacular you can't just show up at a nice place at noon and take the best photo ever :)

i do think that i have a problem of that i learned technical things, never really gone deep enough into art of it.

but then latest biggest compliment for me was when few people wrote and asked me did i recorded some video as they would like to see the atmosphere because on photos it looked like it was great :D so i probably did something right.


Thank you! You have been following me along this whole journey, from me getting my first serious camera and trying to compete with the original Photostars until now. It means a lot that you are seeing what I feel that is changing!!

And now that you mention that "not spectacular" part... That was a major trigger for me to start studying. I was always disappointed that I wasn't able to transfer the wow-effect a view/building/landscape had on me onto 2d.

When people ask you about your work, that is amazing! And you have been loaded with work yeah. You must be doing stuff right! When I returned back on the platform after my hiatus, I noticed that you had made massive steps in your photography. Keep going!