Life Happens When You Are Busy Making Other Plans
I wanted to make a post to say that I have been extremely busy the last week or two. We are in the middle of moving with our new kitten and ten month old boy! I also had an accident on our electric bike and broke a rib. We also have tried to prepare for company visiting from Chile. We don't get family visits often to Sweden from Chile for obvious reasons. So, this was a once (hopefully more) in a lifetime event. Needless to say, i have had to put my work curating and community management for Hive on the backburner.
I had a lot of IKEA items to assemble and anyone that knows how amazing the instructions are knows that was just another layer of stress under time constraints. Not the best photo but you can see my boy, our cat, and me trying to manage the assembly process for a piece of furniture!

I think it goes without saying that things have been crazy and amazingly stressful.
Mucho LOCO

But, I constantly remind myself of how blessed we are and how much joy we have in our life! It was incredible to meet some of my extended family from Chile! One cousin and her significant other flew to Germany for a wedding and decided to swing by Sweden whilst in Europe. Another cousin from Chile brought her partner that is from the Netherlands. Then my partner's dad and his wife also came. So, we had a full house and a lot of hosting duties to do along with the diaper doody too! (hahaha pun fully intended)

After one cousin and her mate from Netherlands left we travelled back to Kalmar to spend some time at Åskar's grandpa's place. You can read some more about Kalmar if you are interested from that link or if you want to scroll down my blog. I made a few posts from there one of the last times we visited Papito!
He was a political refugee from Chile during the revolution in that country. They released him from a torture prison and put him on a flight to France. He eventually made his way to Sweden and the rest is history for another time. You can see Super Mario in the Swedish wig in the photo below.

So, we had some travel along with the company and moving and all the other things that have been occupying my time. I started a power down to have a little extra money for this extended period of family reunion and travel. My power down doesn't negatively affect my account and has nothing to do with my commitment to Hive. However, with my fortunate luck Hive took a shit price-wise just in time for me to finally take some of my rewards. Go figure!?!
I wanted to give an update not only to say sorry/not sorry for taking some time off. But I do always feel bad when I don't get to spread rewards around curating for OCD and encourage the regular users in the Alien Art Hive and Photography Lovers Communities. I can't remember ever getting 8 or more days behind. My nativity actually believed I could still keep up and manage a little time for Hive but I was obviously VERY wrong about that. hahahaha

But the company has departed and now that the dust is beginning to settle I will be back to as regular as life allows with my curation and community management duties. Thank you for your patience and understanding for anyone that's reading this. I appreciate the friends and sense of community we have here on Hive. I mentioned the opportunity that Hive might provide for the impoverished family members suffering from Chile's poor economic status. They were very interested but I told them we could get into the details at a later time.
I must also say, growing up in Texas I have a mild amount of Mexican Spanish in my reserves.... but the triple language barrier of Swedish and Chilean Spanish combined with English was an absolute brain fry for us all!
Houston We Have a Problem

I still intend on posting about our new Norwegian Forest Cat but haven't had the time. So, this photo below will have to suffice for now. I also must say that she is growing at an incredible rate just like my boy. They are both so cute together and it's beautiful to see them bonding at this age of development for them both.

Having said all of that this was one of the coolest family visits ever. Underneath all the stress and hectic schedules there was so much love and laughter. We had a great time together and hope to do it again soon. Maybe we can even get all the family and their friends from Chile onboarded! I think that would be awesome and so helpful for them all to get some supplemental income! Only Time Will Tell.
So, with that I will leave you to your weekend and go get my ass back to work on curation while the boy has his nap. Thanks again for stopping by and I'm looking forward to seeing all the amazing content I missed in our fantastic communities! Take Care and See You Next Time!
P.S. I am setting this post to payout in Hive Power only as a gesture of my commitment to Hive and keeping my Skin In The Game... even during a mild powerdown period.
@tipu curate 2
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 55/75) Liquid rewards.
Thank you so much for the curation Ms. Nina! I appreciate you swinging by my post! Cheers
Wow, it sounds like you've had an incredibly hectic but memorable time! Moving with a little one and a new kitten is a big challenge in itself, but adding family visits from Chile and an IKEA assembly marathon? That’s next-level busy! I'm glad to hear you managed to find some joy and love amidst all the chaos, and it’s wonderful that you got to connect with your extended family.
I hope your rib heals quickly and that things start to settle down for you soon. Take all the time you need—we’ll be here when you’re ready to dive back into the Hive community. Thanks for sharing this update, and I’m looking forward to your upcoming posts about your new Norwegian Forest Cat and all the amazing moments you've had. Take care!
Best wishes
From Alaska
I'm glad you got what I was meaning there! hahaha I laughed when I read your comment. The rib is healing well and thank you for your words of encouragement and understanding. It made me feel a little less guilty but you are right... Hive isn't going anywhere and those in my communities know that I can never stay away for long! hahaha Things are normalizing now and hopefully I can get some momentum on the managing and curating once I get caught up!
The Norwegian Forest Cat is amazing and I can't wait to make and share a proper post for her! She has stolen my heart even though I was a little reluctant to take on another baby at the same time as our little human! hahaha
I really appreciated your comment very much! Thanks for taking the time to read and make such a meaningful comment!
Best Wishes to You and Your Family
From a Texan in Sweden
No worries, can not wait to read ur other posts 😇
Such a productive crew 😂 they may not be much help but seem to be enjoying themselves 🙂
the look on your sons face says "what were you thinking?" no way you are keeping up with Hive this week
I think its awesome for kids to have a pet to grow up with... very enriching for them.
I couldn't have done the assembly without my helpers! haha They translated the instructions for me. It's not the first time I have been very wrong and have a feeling not the last time either. hahaha
We had two cats before and during the birth... but they (mother and son) died very close together in time and we wanted him to have the joy of growing up with a pet. I am more of a dog person but this cat thinks she owns me now... so I don't have much of a choice. hahaha She uses my son as attack practice which has been fun to witness.
Take care my good friend, and thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I still need to finish catching up with PL community and then all will be right in the world....
Hopefully, it's not just another wishful thought. hahaha So much to do and so little naptime to get 'er done!
What a problem with the broken rib, I hope you are getting better quickly with that. I hope that family visit is the beginning of many more, it's always good to be surrounded by the people you love. Best wishes to you and your family my dear friend. cheers!
The rib is doing much better and now it's just the muscles getting things back in their proper places. I do hope there will be many more family visits from our family in Chile. Thanks for the well wishes and the time to stop by, read, and comment on my post!
You've been posting some great photos for a long time. Keep up the great work my friend.
Ouch! Sorry to hear about that broken rib. I hope it's healing well. Israeli scientists say cannabis extract helps heal the bones faster and stronger, so if it's legal in your place of residence then...🔥🙂 (here's a quick summary). I just rode an e-bike and almost had a mishap as well, but I was able to pull back in time before I went over the edge of a ravine. :D
Dang! Good thing you didn't go off the edge. Mine was weird. I was going slow up a drive that goes down to the lake docks. It was night and the front got squirrely on me so I bailed before a small tip over... but my leg got caught bailing and I tipped over anyhow. Not such a bad fall and it was slow uphill... but where I landed on my side was a half buried protruding triangular rock that decided it would make it's way into my guts through my rib. hahaha It was excruciatingly painful for a couple of weeks. Carrying the big heavy kid and moving up stairs didn't help me heal faster either. hahaha
Dude, that article was fascinating. Thanks for stopping by and for the tip there. Take care brother!
That's terrible luck, and it shows how quickly things can go sideways. Sometimes it almost feel like it's happening in slow motion. Then parenting duties on top of that.
I had a couple of close calls during my ride because I wasn't used to the e-bike I was riding, and I was treating it like a mountain bike along a narrow path. But I learned my lesson. Wild stuff! 🚲
It does feel like slow motion during any bad thing... Matrix style. Just don't have the speed to catch up with the correction in that sloMo! haha
It's hard to get used to the E-bikes. I have a love hate relationship with ours. Many clothes calls when they get squirrely on ya. Glad we avoided worse case scenarios!
lol 😆
@castleberry CC I see that you are doing well and that your boy has grown up well. as you must have noticed, I can often use the computer, I haven't used it for almost 20 days. I'm caught between a personal project that takes up a lot of my time and a job that allows me to eat. with the consequence of no longer being connected to hive or too little. I took photos but they are still on the memory card in the camera. I am delighted to connect 6 hours after your publication and see your son who is full of life and looks very happy. Bravo and thank you for sharing this photo, it allows us to see him grow.
I know that you have priorities that do not always give you the time you would like to spend being active on Hive and posting etc. Don't worry! You do what you have to do and all the rest will fall into place as best it can. I hope you personal project gets some momentum and that you get to have some time to yourself to enjoy and not just slave laboring to get food on the table.
Your memory card will hold those photos until you are ready to share! So, no rush. I'm glad that even though it's been 20 days... the one day you found some time my post was there for you to get updated on my situation and to see how big the boy has become! Take care and I hope to catch up more with you soon, my dear friend.
Thank you very much for your return message😉😉😉😉
IKEA projects. Fun, fun, fun is all I can say. So sorry to hear about your accident. Don't they happen at the most inopportune times? Anyway, I hope the family visit goes well. That's most important, offline life meant to be lived in the moment. But moving, that's another animal in itself. Good luck with that and hope it goes smoothly.
We all understand power downs and taking time to get back up to speed when life does happen. Take care of your family and try not to stress to much. We will be here when you return.
Thanks for all you do for AAH and Hive in general. You have supported so many. You have our support.
The family visit went very well and the time offline was pretty refreshing. The move is coming along... now it's more of the setup part... like the IKEA projects. hahaha
Accidents always happen at the best worst times! Thanks for understanding and always being there! I appreciate your appreciation.
Heyy Brother!! Glad to know that you had a good time with family. Time with family is the best time, isn't it, my friend?
Hope you have recovered now/recovering well from the injury. Its been a while since we have talked. I kinda knew whats keepin you busy haha. And time did fly, 10 months already. Give my hugs to my little nephew!! 🤗
Family time is the best time! Good to see you getting active over here and you know you can always message me anytime on Discord. I consider you family and we have a lot of catching up to do brother!
The recovery is going well! Thanks for that and time has flown by. I will give hugs from you to the family and especially to your nephew! Uncle ArtLover! hahaha
Good to know recovery is going well, brother!! And yes a lot to catch up, I mean A LOT haha!!
I will drop a message on discord soon, brother!! Much love to you and the family. 🤗😊
I never doubt your commitment to Hive and yes it is true that many times one may need to make withdrawals, it is normal. I also know many people who need it to live. Each person has their own things... that's how it is.
First let me tell you that your son is... precious !!!! Very very beautiful, nice and for God's sake! How beautiful!
And the kitten... I died of love, I've never seen anything like it, I'll wait patiently for that photo series, there's no hurry... but I'm waiting for it hahahahaha
The nicest thing of all is to enjoy with your family and when they come from far away even more, hopefully they can also have an extra income with this possibility.
I send you a big hug!🤗
Thank you very much for your supportive and kind words! I really appreciate them greatly. My son is the most beautiful boy that I've ever seen! But of course, I am also very biased. hahahaha
The kitten is growing up into a truly beautiful cat! I look forward to sharing more with you soon hopefully. That cat post of mine is very LONG LONG overdue.
Big hugs to you too! It was an amazing time with family. Maybe I will share some more photos from the experience as well. Hope you are doing well. See you around and talk to you more later. Cheers!
Even if you're biased, it's reality, it's beautiful! I love those little eyes!
Don't worry, everything in its own time, there is no rush, first the family and what needs to be done.
See you later!!!! Have a great Sunday!
Wow! And I thought I was busy! You are a super hero :)
Thanks Stef! I know you always stay busy too.

OMG your baby is so cute (and the kitten too ofc) and looks so big! How time flies 🤗
It has gone super fast! Thank you so much. The Kitten and Åskar is almost cuteness overload at times together. They are both getting so big. I will have to make a proper post showing off both soon. Thanks for swinging by and taking the time to comment.
Thanks for the update! Just a few days ago I was wondering about you, as I didn't see you as active as usual and I see you've been going through a bit of everything lately. It happens to all of us. Hugs!
Thanks for understanding and thinking of me. I was excited to see what posts of yours I missed while I was gone. You have some of the best color photos in the community in my opinion. Keep up the great work and thanks for dropping by to comment.
It's such a long way from Chile to Sweden, it must have been so nice to get an influx of visitors from back home.
Hope you're recovering well from your broken rib, it sounds painful
Yes, it is super far away! I'm from Texas so my home would be almost a middle point of connection. It was nice to host a large crowd and stressful as well. Overall, it was an amazing time together to bond.
And the recovery is going faster than I would have expected! Thanks for your wellwishes. It definitely has hurt along the way but mostly because of all the extra-curricular activity instead of the rest it needed. I generally manage pain well but that boy is so big it takes all my core muscles to tote him around. hahahha
Cheers My Friend
Hey old friend! It's been awhile, isn't it? Nice to see you and family are doing ok.
Howdy! It's good to see you in the comments and it has been way too long since we talked! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. I have been checking out some of your TA posts and I must say they are the best ones that I have ever seen for Hive in particular. I see your research has paid off based on the knowledge you share in those posts!
I hope you neighbor has behaved with the trash this Summer and that you and your family are all doing as well as possible. Take care my friend!
!discovery shots
!gif applause
Thanks for the curation my friend. I appreciate you stopping by! Hope you have been having an awesome weekend.
Via Tenor
Gee you are very busy with your work sir @castleberry and you have an accident I hope you get well yak pak, this picture of the boy is so cute I love it 😍😅
Thank you very much and i appreciate your kind words. I'm glad you stopped by to check out my post. Cheers
You're welcome sir
No way! I feel like you guys just had him! That's so nuts how big he is! Time goes by way too quickly!
He is huge for his age. Most people think he's over one years old but we still have a month and a half to go. It's amazing how fast time has gone by!!! I always heard kids grow up too fast but this is ridiculous...

Absolutely ludicrous!
Wow! You certainly have been a busy guy, but at least you enjoyed it. You really have a very cute little boy.
Thanks Papi! He is too cute and he keeps me busy enough without all the extras! hahaha Such is life. It's always best to find the bright side if possible. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Your post reminded me about the days, some 40 years ago, when my son was that size. I like your take on trying to find the bright side, and it is so true.
All blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for your blessings and kind words! I did have mine at an older age and I feel it comes with it's advantages and disadvantages. So, I have had some time to get wise enough to know there can always be a bright side.... it can just get super dark at times for us all. Looking for the bright side is a step in a positive direction no matter how dark. Plus, the boy lightens the heart very quickly! haha
Blessings to you and your family too! Cheers
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel and many say that every dark cloud has a silver lining. Wisdom is good medicine for the soul, and a positive mindset is the way to go. You are right, that all of us go through the dark and the light periods, but such is life. That little boy of yours is the light of your life.
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Hey @castleberry, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use
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Hey @castleberry, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Wow, It's been 10 months huh 😳. Time sure flies and he is growing up nicely. His eyes, I feel like he got that from you castle 😊. I hope you had a fun time with your family :)
He still has a couple of months for the possibility of his eyes changing color. If it changes it will probably be more brown. But, it looks like he might get stuck with those Gorgeous eyes! hahaha
Time really has flown by so fast it's hard to believe. I had a blast with the fam. Thanks for swinging by and taking time to check out my post and comment. Cheers my friend!
The cat seems young, but his gaze is already so serious.🙂
Yes, she has been a very smart and intelligent cat since she was a baby. Her forest instincts are amazing and she is much bigger now than in that photo. I will share more soon hopefully rather than later! Thanks for dropping by.
Good evening and good luck to all of us.In the article that my friend presented, it is really very good and I have read it and have many things that I can take from what has been written.Hopefully everything will run smoothly and greetings to all of us.
Everything is going much more smoothly now! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Cheers my friend.
Good evening my brother @castleberry ♥️
I read your post and found many positive things in it, and I really understand and I understand it, and hopefully everything will go smoothly and have a nice day my brother ♥️
Thanks! I'm glad you found the positive message underlying all of the difficulties. I appreciate you taking time to check out my post and comment. Cheers
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