IKEA projects. Fun, fun, fun is all I can say. So sorry to hear about your accident. Don't they happen at the most inopportune times? Anyway, I hope the family visit goes well. That's most important, offline life meant to be lived in the moment. But moving, that's another animal in itself. Good luck with that and hope it goes smoothly.
We all understand power downs and taking time to get back up to speed when life does happen. Take care of your family and try not to stress to much. We will be here when you return.
Thanks for all you do for AAH and Hive in general. You have supported so many. You have our support.
The family visit went very well and the time offline was pretty refreshing. The move is coming along... now it's more of the setup part... like the IKEA projects. hahaha
Accidents always happen at the best worst times! Thanks for understanding and always being there! I appreciate your appreciation.