Little lady with a big booty.
Backlit on the night dock of the River Elbe.
Sweet silken strands oozing from her nether regions.
She let me watch.
CrowTube Channel
NFT Crowroom
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That's the LAZIEST boo I've ever seen!!!
Look at you
Who, me??
who who who!
this guy, that's who!
Awesome captures 😎
I love watching spiders web their spiderweb 🕸️
Thanks! Me too.
you captured the moment well done
thank you!
Pervert! 😄
Who me? Or her??
You and your voyeuristic photography. Shocking.
Are you really that shocked.
note how I ended it with a period for emphasis
The interesting part is that this family makes a new one every night and then dismantles it at dawn and goes off to hide
Orb web weavers, right? In some ways I envy that simplicity of life. As long as you can find a really good hiding place from the birds.
Yes they are, they hide pretty well
I've got a buddy living over my bed right now. I think she's an orb weaver but she leaves her web up for several days at a time, I guess because it's safe from birds in here. She's the size of a small pea. I don't usually let them stay right above my sleeping space but since she's been a resident my unending fruit fly invasion seems to be actually coming to an end...
SHe makes me feel like a real witch.
Awesome! fat round spiders in corners could belong to a number of species. If you posted her, I missed it. Let's see pics? Even if our species are different, the broader families are the same
Just shitty cell phone pics but this was the first time I got up close. Couldn't get to the other side without disturbing the web. And now I'm thinking, I don't know a ton about spider anatomy, but is that a boy body?
Such lovely legs. Cool knee-high socks.
Nope is a girl. Boys have large pedipalps and aren't always tiny. Looks like one of the Theridid family