 last year  

Oh so you don't think she has big pedipalps then, do you? I don't know if she should be offended. I also feel like I don't look at spiders enough because I honestly thought those were big. Thanks for sexing my friend! And makes sense that this would be a cobweb spider. I have plenty of cobwebs...

Tonight I stood on the bed and asked her if she would please consider moving into the kitchen above where I keep the bananas because the fruit flies are coming back. Let's find out if I really am an animal communicator or if I'm just a crazy crow lady. Also fine with being both.

Maybe move the bananas there?

 last year  

I may be a messy and disorganized person, but I draw the line at bringing bananas into the bed. 😆

Oh you mean I can't interest you in one of these? This too is a thing

 last year  

Oh gaaaawwd. 🤣

Actually I could use something like that for when it's camping and it's raining...

Not a bad idea for camping