
Durn it all to bloomin' blazes! You caught me out with my only made up word in this entire thing. Of course. Of course you'd have to do that. Your phone, why are you letting it think for you? I banned my tech from spellcheck ages ago. It made me forget how to spell. Clearly you missed reading this line...Better buried in a phone laptop? 😏

Btw, did you meet up with that fellow in France yet?

Made up like in a lab?

Yeah me spLeLink wood bee Oliver the plays if eye didn't use autocorrect. = }

Not sure I should ask what fellow you're referring to. Might have to cut the cheese and I already fell for that once.

Did I make some dog reference, or are you hosting one of these in France by chance?

Yeah me spLeLink wood bee Oliver the plays if eye didn't use autocorrect. = }

LOL! I find the experience of autocorrect to be like having an annoying individual constantly interjecting into what I'm trying to type telling me what I'm writing, making assumptions about what I'm communicating. Trying to get it to stop making the same errors over and over again tells me how stupid autonomic intelligence is.

The fellow that dropped a comment here that can be fun when he's around.

(notice that I did not put any weird audio links in commenting....but that's only 'cuz I haven't uploaded new ones of another nature)