Blue Mood

Darkness creep crawling
Duality dividing day night
Soft whispers, soft hushes
Hiding blue blushes
Icy cold touches
With an invisible stare
Playing the usual solitaire
Be wary be aware

Arc sparking bark of slaves
Ode to grid trust obey
Jus’ so painful to stray
Fallin’ down this way
Razor blades at play

Hurried rhapsody harvesting
Scythe blade slicing dicing
Cattle to the slaughter
Feast time no fodder
Long line strokes
Ever bluer folks
Scrabble the cliff
Zigzag left bereft

Static still caught in grips
Spit splutter stops
Infiltrated mental rot
Strife in the tree of life
Phasing in and out
Rage exploding spout
Devoid in source love
Antenna sliced crispr cut

Luminescent ownership brand
Mutating changes underway
Dropping flat jerking disarray
Heartbeat silence sirens song
Taunt all day night so long
Overwrought thoughts
Tension ratcheted taut
Sold out to the juggernaut

Pinpoint shards of sight
Window widow winnowing
Standing still without wilting
Fireworks yet begun
Guaranteed to stun
Get your game face on
Expand vision far beyond
You don’t know what’s wrong

Standing there spinning figuring
Porter runs of the inane
Believing someone else blame
Drowning in dinner distractions
Divided gaining zero traction
Triggering reactions such passion
Stroking broken down bastions
Building up depleting rations

Amongst all these folks
Neo crazing cracy
Fettered floundering aphasia
Animated malleable machines
Machinations deranged obscene
Inveighed aberrations of creation
A fault of self-chosen stagnation
So stop the outward blaming flagellation

Better buried in a phone laptop?
Be the setter of your own stones
Not crying about all your sorrows
Introducing the interstice
Trusting you to splice
Lost in an oneiric world
Awake dreaming plural
Walking oblivious aural

Observing it all fall
Hit the blue wall here bare
See one red eye watching
Clocking you with a spear stare
Steel death drips stabbing
Down in the corner right
There’s the bit of white light.
Many avoid with blinded sight.

Some really cool results. I like the one with the skull. 💀
Thanks @lichtkunstfoto! Ha, now I'm looking to see which one is the skull and I'm thinking it's the last photo, lolol.
You don't see the skull?
Not until you said it and then though to myself, DUH! LOL! This is why I like to hear what others see, since it's guaranteed I'll miss something.
Dayum! Definitely missed that completely! I see it now that you've pointed it out.
You must let me know how you get such striking streaks of light. I have an idea but I'm sure there's more to it. There may be a dark entity roaming the streets here or perhaps it's simply a trick of light haha
I will say though, big city, lots of different kinds of light sources to work with is one aspect. I think I want to hear your idea first, if you'd indulge me. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours, LOL. I'm willing to bet you have a perspective I don't see.
Dark entity roaming the streets where you are?!! A light wand will end that entity. I'm in the process of making one.
Blue is where it's at...
Hello chick!! How's ya?
Red red rain is also where it's at...
Hello boomy!!! Same as same as always, I trust you're well.
I am just fucking magic!!
I hope you are too :0)
Now, what kind of magic are you? A magical unicorn?
All secrets sewed up in that regard, can't be giving those away to anyone. 🤪
Quite right on the secrets front. Lock the box and hide the key!
You would be amazed at the number of magical unicorns in my house. My littlest absolutely loves the damn things!
I find it's best to walk quietly in the jungle. One secret...if you can get it down, is the ability to communicate with zero words (this is in person and not arty related at all) and have the message received loud and clear, it sure saves a lot of energy.
OMG, you're unicorn inundated and overly initiated! How many? I need to know.
I like to think I can communicate quite well with a stare!
I cant even count, he has them everywhere. On clothes, festooned on his bed, small ones giant ones, multi coloured sparkle ones. Its insane!
I saw that. It's not a typo. My phone had a helluva time typing Crispr just now by the way.
Durn it all to bloomin' blazes! You caught me out with my only made up word in this entire thing. Of course. Of course you'd have to do that. Your phone, why are you letting it think for you? I banned my tech from spellcheck ages ago. It made me forget how to spell. Clearly you missed reading this line...Better buried in a phone laptop? 😏
Btw, did you meet up with that fellow in France yet?
Made up like in a lab?
Yeah me spLeLink wood bee Oliver the plays if eye didn't use autocorrect. = }
Not sure I should ask what fellow you're referring to. Might have to cut the cheese and I already fell for that once.
Did I make some dog reference, or are you hosting one of these in France by chance?
LOL! I find the experience of autocorrect to be like having an annoying individual constantly interjecting into what I'm trying to type telling me what I'm writing, making assumptions about what I'm communicating. Trying to get it to stop making the same errors over and over again tells me how stupid autonomic intelligence is.
The fellow that dropped a comment here that can be fun when he's around.
(notice that I did not put any weird audio links in commenting....but that's only 'cuz I haven't uploaded new ones of another nature)
The blue show's it's time to hide
Far away into the wide
Next month there is nothing to see
Surely not for me
Big Hug Sispion
Show blue to be true not hide but truly abide
Far away and closer wider wilder be the ride
Next month does not exist so nothing to see
For that which not be, such as all thee
Present living moment there it is all, se eall
In the song of all is one and one is all
#BHB Bropion
That's how you feel when you are too drunk
😂 You know, I prefer not to recall the pain of the next day of years ago, but you're totally right.
I would like to see all of these on a huge projector, with the narrative in the background.
What a vision, lol, now why would you want to see that?
Writing the narrative this time was like shoving bamboo up under my fingernails, which I debated doing because it seemed to be the less painful option. So that you know the suffering that went into writing this (lol).
You always question around? :D
Why oh why, that was the first impression while scrolling and reading, my brain got that idea, don't ask me why. :D
Bright blue lights, whispering in the back ground, it would make you think about images.
Yes, I do, lol. As I was told many times from the youngest age, "Why is a crooked letter that will never be straightened" (no idea still what that meant, other than the obvious shape of the letter) and "You ask too many questions". 😂 The reality is that I'm a curious person always looking to learn and one of things I like to do, is to see from other peoples' perspectives because I learn so much that way.
You know, I can totally see how that would be your first impression now, lol, thanks. I like the "whispering in the background". I'll add that to my audio clip experimentations I'm doing of late. 🤪
Questioning isn't bad, I'm that kind of bugger myself. 😂
Sometimes, I just don't know how to answer, like dunno dude my brain cells invented that thought. 🫠
Aha! You owned it, lololol.
I like the way you answered with that last sentence, makes complete sense to me. 😂
Kind of getting the impression you have a warped sense of humour, or am I mistaken with that?
I have my bright moments.
Yay! 🤗
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Nice blue moods. how you did do it?
Thanks, with the camera I have, I set the exposure time to manual, as well as focus. Through experimenting I'm now able to ascertain the exposure time depending on location and light in the area, so it's an intuitive process in that regard. To create effects, I move the camera in different manners while holding the shutter open, sometimes I change the focus while shooting and sometimes do both at the same time. These particular types of photos that I do are all very in the moment and intuitive. I feel my way so to speak but it's done very fast, so not much thinking other than selecting subject matter, which is also intuitive based.