I love that first shot and I love your description of it. The calm before the storm. Those times both feel the best and also make the best photos, especially when you can catch a sunset at the time. The air is full of water that reflects the light every which way giving that fire in the sky look that is just gorgeous. This is amplified even more if you can happen to catch a sunset at the tail-end of a typhoon. Do you call them typhoons in Oz, or cyclones or something else? Hmm.. Well, either way, at the tail-end, when the sunset light pokes through the clouds, the results are just amazing.
I love the rest of your description too. Just sitting and listening outside. Very Zen, my friend, especially the part about also listening to yourself.
Anyway, don't sell yourself short. You may not be a professional photographer, but that doesn't mean you can't make amazing images. At my photo classes I always stress this point. Some of the best photos come from amateurs, absolutely because they don't worry about settings and technical details, and they focus on the image itself. With smart phone cameras and mirrorless cameras, no one needs to know the technical details anyway. If you can frame a photo, you are a photographer. And your shots are all great!
I've got some other shots I like from similar moments, moisture-laden air and all. Such a great feeling in those moments and breathing that air is something else again.
Thanks for your compliments on my shots. I really don't have enough interest in photography to learn much about it. My grandad was a good photographer though, all 35mm file stuff. I'm happy with what I get and that's what counts.
I'm doing a set on jetties on the weekend, in this community, so you'll get another chance to see a nutbag photographer in action. Lol.
Also, cyclones is what we call them.
Yeah, man. That's my favorite time to be outdoors. It's why I think I also really enjoy the early morning. The moisture from the night meeting with the day just gives a freshness to the air. You can close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just feel alive in a way that you never do otherwise. It's a magical feeling.
I'll look forward to seeing those weekend shots!