Last Saturday a friend of mine and I went hunting in the evening with the view to staying out quite late. It was a successful hunt with a few things going down...but that's not what this post is about. One of the best things about being an outdoorsman and having access to some of the most amazing properties, the value I find there, is what this post is about...and, it's also my very first in this community.
I'm not a photographer. I say that a lot. I have a camera though [Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III mirrorless] and I use it now and then. I also have a mobile phone camera thing, [Samsung S22 Ultra], and it's on that device which many of my photos for Hive are taken. There's something pleasing about pressing a button and getting a result rather than having to use settings, most of which I don't understand, and I also don't edit my photos on Photoshop or other such things because I don't know how to use them; I use Google Images now and then but it's limited and that's fine by me.
The above image was taken on my S22 Ultra on Saturday night. We were at the crest of a hill stalking some game and...well, you can see what caught my focus.
It was a really cool moment as the air was laden with moisture with a storm coming in (just left of shot) and it was almost totally still...the calm before the storm. The sky looked on fire though and the atmosphere felt primordial - There we were, two caveman-hunters out doing what cavemen do. We didn't have spears and clubs though, we had firearms of course.
We're both similar types: Serious about the outdoors, in love with wilderness places and knowing what to do there, how to hunt and gather, stay alive and generally just be at peace with nature. We took some moments to watch the escaping sun take the last colour from the sky and the warmth along with it, and revelled in the moment as the day died, its glowing embers finally extinguishing completely. Then...it was time to hunt.
I've spent a lot of time in this area and know it like the back of my hand. When I'm there I'm hunting, stalking, shooting and field-dressing game but that's not the only reason I'm there...I go for the solitude, peace and quiet away from societies' clamour, and to feel closer to the planet which sustains my life; Mother Earth. It's a beautiful place and the feelings I experience are also; they seep within me and settle upon my soul, mind and body becoming part of me. Much of the time I don't shoot anything content just to be there.
I sit and think, listen to the breeze move through the branches and grasses marvelling at how different the rasping of summer grasses sound to the green winter, spring and autumn grasses as the breeze makes them dance. I listen to the animals, birds calling, hares and rabbits scurrying, the loud thump thump thump of kangaroos bounding, tails thumping the ground as they go. I listen to foxes on the prowl, kookaburras laughing away the last moments of light and the buzzing of insects as they move to settle for the night. I open up and listen to it all, and open up emotionally and allow it all within me.
I listen to myself too; thoughts, feelings and emotions and find answers there, pathways forward, find those I determine not to walk any longer, and those I resolutely determine that I will follow. I think about everything and nothing and there, in this place, I find clarity.
The above image was taken on my Samsung S22 Ultra during one of those contemplative moments in which all thoughts of banging away on my rifle were out of mind and in which I simply enjoyed being at one with my surroundings. This image was taken in October, right before the green grass starts to turn to the golden colour the heat of summer turns it. From this spot I watched the sun move away to light someone else's day and wondered if that person would think of me as I do them.
I love that I can come here any time I choose and that it's only a twenty minute drive from my house. I have sole access and, whilst I'm there to hunt and cull, it provides so much more than just the ability to do that.
There's something special in those minutes the sun takes to slip away below the horizon and I usually take the time to enjoy them.
It's like the passing of something, I guess not unlike the passing over of the game I shoot, there one moment and gone the next...only, the sun comes back around the next day. Just like that moment, the moment of ending something's life in which a lot of care and respect is shown, I do the same for the sunset; it's one of nature's greatest and most beautiful moments, and one which I feel connected to in some way. Taking the time to watch it makes me feel a part of something so much greater than I myself am.
That's about it for my initial post in this community, a small photo-contribution that sits amongst so many amazing photo-posts, and a few of my thoughts behind the photographs. I know they're not the best photos one will ever see, not that special, and that they're not technically correct or probably framed very well...but they're mine as were the minutes in which they were taken. Looking at them takes me back to the splendour and feelings I felt in those moments...and I think that's special enough.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free.]
Any images in this post are my own.
What an amazing sunset! That shot is definitely spot on. Did you get hit by the storm or was it too far away?
I hope that people not only see the beautiful photo but also read your thoughts till the end of the post. Because they are almost more beautiful than the photo - if that's even possible - they're almost poetic.
I'm serious. You know I am not too much of a talker or writer, nor am I a 'firearms person' (whatever that is), and I don't like killing, humans or animals, but I understand and respect what and why you are doing the culling on the farm. The farm that gives you this special place to escape to and - ponder life.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. And the sunset. 😍
Thanks my lovely oceany one!
I don't have it in my to drop a couple photos with only a handful of words an so I write some words which reflect what I feel inside; it's the writing that makes me the most happy. I'm so pleased you feel what I wrote and took the time to comment. Many will not read any of it and that's ok, the legit people will and that's what counts.
I understand about the not a firearms person comment. The funny thing is...neither am I. I mean sure, I have many of them and know how to use them and sure, I have killed, but I'm more than that, so much more, and my best qualities...well, I think only a few will ever see them, care or value them. That's how it is with most people. It makes me happy to hear someone who isn't a gun person say what you did about the job I do on the farm, it indicates intelligence and understanding.
If you're ever down this way, I'll take to to where these shots were taken and we can watch the sunset as we talk about stuff, or remain silent. Deal?
I think it's fairly obvious that I wasn't the only one who read your words. And felt them. Happy to see that you received such a warm welcome, especially from Castleberry. Now I'm looking forward to your beach post.
Well, it has been a while since I visited Oz - whoof - 12 years. Overdue, huh? If it weren't for that damned work thing... Assuming we're still in contact on Hive or wherever you can be sure that I will plan a stopover in Adelaide. Never been to SA... so, yeah, deal! 🤝
Yeah, it seemed well-received which was nice.
So, twelve years since you've been in Australia? Far too long. It might be time to get it done!
Hello G-dog. I'm glad you decided to post photography as well because these photos are absolutely stunning. We don't have such gorgeous sky here, so it's nice to see what the other end of the world looks like. You're lucky to have that gorgeous place so close to where you live. It's pure medicine to sit there, admire the view and reflect on things.
I hope to see you more often here though.
It's medicine indeed, and I'm pleased people have been glad to see the snaps despite me being a pretty crappy photographiceriser. (I made that word up.)
I'll be around on the weekend with another post in this community, hopefully you get to see it.
I'm glad to see your first post in here, brother! These are some really powerful images. I could give you a bunch of technical jargon about how your photos are actually successful in many technical ways. I could explain certain things about your framing, composition, lighting, focal points... etc. and how/why your use of them actually made your photos top-notch.
But, i won't (unless you really want me to) because i wanted to commend you on the writing, which you enjoy the creation of more, that surrounded your images i connected with more.
My Native American heritage identified with the way you describe your experience of the hunt and being in the environment and your appreciation for all the aspects involved. I really liked your description when you used the word Primordial. I hadn't thought of the image that way until you mentioned and then it transported me there. Excellent post as always and this was a very successful failure of try to have the worst images. Taraz will have his work cut out for him.
Thanks man it means a lot. I don't feel right about dropping a few images with limited text so...I babble on like an idiot. Lol.
I appreciate that you read the words and they resonated with you, it's always my hope that people feel something through my words. I guess I just write what I feel and leave it for people to take from it what they will. I like your take on it man, makes me feel good.
As for the photos...Someday when I have more time I'll get into photography I think, for now...point, shoot, hope is the best I can do. I get a few reasonable ones now and then. Over the weeked I'll do another post here, that one featuring jetties at the beach. I grabbed the images over the last couple days all from various beach walks I've done. I hope y'all like it.
Thanks for the warm welcome and I'm glad my first abject failure was a success! 😊
I don't blame you for feeling that way about images and text. In this community, we focus predominantly on the photography so that people who aren't as expressive in writing still have a place. But, the more context or content around the images, i think, adds to the quality of the overall post and experience it provides.
Some read and i am sure most just scroll the shots. I think you would dig FermentedPhil if you haven't come across his stuff yet. He will be in the same community feature this will be in (spoiler alert). There's a reason why you have the reputation you do, and i don't just mean the number by your username.
As i run and curate the Alien Art community too... photography is an art and in one slice of the pie, Art speaks for itself. But, Hive i think deserves a bit more effort on the part of the artist to give a bit of something else to go with just the art. The post is like a last layer of medium to add to the substrate of your artwork... just digitally figurative i guess. It can be a fine line. Many artists and photographers are introverts. So, finding a balance of expectation can be challenging.
Now, speaking of babbling on like an idiot maybe i will make a photography tutorial post and only use viking, hunting, weapon, and survival analogies to demonstrate some of the principles and techniques for beginners.
My dad was an artist and a person could look at his paintings and think or feel something. But looking at them with my dad standing there also, talking about his work, provides a my h deeper level of interest and understanding. So, yep, I get what you're saying. I don't mind that many just scroll pictures on my posts, the writing is primarily for myself and my own enjoyment. Sometimes I wish people read though, they may find something of interest if they took the time to do so.
I think your tutorial post sounds like a good idea and could be a fun post for you to put together. Fun is the key here I think, so anything that provides it is a good thing.
I'll look out for that other user you mentioned and...hopefully "my reputation" isn't all bad. Lol.
I love that first shot and I love your description of it. The calm before the storm. Those times both feel the best and also make the best photos, especially when you can catch a sunset at the time. The air is full of water that reflects the light every which way giving that fire in the sky look that is just gorgeous. This is amplified even more if you can happen to catch a sunset at the tail-end of a typhoon. Do you call them typhoons in Oz, or cyclones or something else? Hmm.. Well, either way, at the tail-end, when the sunset light pokes through the clouds, the results are just amazing.
I love the rest of your description too. Just sitting and listening outside. Very Zen, my friend, especially the part about also listening to yourself.
Anyway, don't sell yourself short. You may not be a professional photographer, but that doesn't mean you can't make amazing images. At my photo classes I always stress this point. Some of the best photos come from amateurs, absolutely because they don't worry about settings and technical details, and they focus on the image itself. With smart phone cameras and mirrorless cameras, no one needs to know the technical details anyway. If you can frame a photo, you are a photographer. And your shots are all great!
I've got some other shots I like from similar moments, moisture-laden air and all. Such a great feeling in those moments and breathing that air is something else again.
Thanks for your compliments on my shots. I really don't have enough interest in photography to learn much about it. My grandad was a good photographer though, all 35mm file stuff. I'm happy with what I get and that's what counts.
I'm doing a set on jetties on the weekend, in this community, so you'll get another chance to see a nutbag photographer in action. Lol.
Also, cyclones is what we call them.
Yeah, man. That's my favorite time to be outdoors. It's why I think I also really enjoy the early morning. The moisture from the night meeting with the day just gives a freshness to the air. You can close your eyes, take a deep breath, and just feel alive in a way that you never do otherwise. It's a magical feeling.
I'll look forward to seeing those weekend shots!
That are such great pictures. Can you share where they have been taken? These natural places are so inspiring and charming that I am making a sort of personal list hoping that one day I will make some tours to reach the most beauyful.
I too had some amazing experience a few days ago in Denmark (where I actually was for the Yoga Teacher Training Course): full moonlight in open country, no lights, a lot of stars and at midnight a perfect white illumination of the nature.
I forgot to take picture anyway. I was too deep into conversation with other people that I only enjoyed it "live"
These images were taken in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, between the towns of Inglewood and Birdwood. I can't say the precise location.
It's a nice drive from the city of Adelaide, through Tea Tree Gully up to Birdwood, then to Williamstown and finally the Barossa Valley, a famous vineyard and wine region...and the area in which I was born and raised. Put it on your list.
It sounds like you appreciate the outdoors and the simple moments found there as much as I do. It's wondrous right?
I had a lengthy trip planned and paid for in 2020 that was taking me to Denmark and then Finland where my brother @tarazkp lives. Unfortunately the 2020 debacle happened and it all got cancelled. I got my money back but that's not the point, I wanted the trip.
I've travelled all over the world but can never get enough. I hope to do so again soon.
You can bet that. I love silent and quiet places. That's why in the last year I have also taken some choices that will lead me in that way.
Denmark and Finland are amazing places. The cold that reigns there creates this kind of mistery and silence especially during winter. It's magical.
I have too traveled quite some, but in the last year I honestly got stuck into work and it's time to recover time :D
Get recovered then start again.
I believe that the fundamental thing is not the photo itself, however you have posted some really beautiful shots, I think it is important what is behind a photo, what it represents and what it wants to communicate.
I agree, it's simply a record of a split second in time. The cool thing is that it can take a person back to the moment so easily and that can bring a lot of value. Thank goodness for photos and the human memory huh?
Yes, that's the beauty of the photos, you look at them and go back to the moment of shooting.. at least for those photos taken with heart and passion, I imagine that some shots on Instagram don't have these prerogatives lol!
I confess that perfumes and sometimes flavors also have the same effect on me.
It's nice to remember, also because it means that in life you have worked well to build good memories.
The human memory is triggered in many different ways and I value mine. I have a good one, but my father had dementia which means I'm likely to have the same issue which is one of my biggest fears. I will face it though, and in reality, I'll not know I have it I guess, so it'll be all good.
Well where I come from they say: don't wrap your head before you've broken it.
According to our current knowledge, dementia is not hereditary but sporadic, so it is not said that if a parent or relative has had dementia, their children will have it.
However everything I know faces and you are not a person who escapes battles, this in general, so yes, whatever the case in the future everything will be fine.
It'll all work out, and eventually I'll die and it won't matter. In the meantime I live each day as best I can and have a pretty good life. No real complaints.
That first photo! Wow. Absolutely stunning, the colours and the stark leafless tree set against it, beautiful juxtaposition.
Thank you, as a non-photographer (or a nutbag photographer) I'm grateful for the positive response.
I'm a "nutbag" photographer myself! Haven't a clue what I'm at, but do manage to capture the odd good one!
We should start a club maybe, an exclusive nutbags camera club. It'll be so popular we'd only need to charge $1 entry fee and we'd be millionaires.
Absolutely 💯 but let's charge $3 a head and make it super exclusive 🤣
I like where your head's at...Super exclusive, and us super rich!
You may not be a photographer by trade but you certainly are one by action! Those are fantastic shots. The majesty of nature rolls right out of those images and I love the perspective rice you get with the light.
You are a photographer.
Thank you, although I usually say, I just got lucky.
I have an interest in photography, my grandfather did it as a hobby and I grew up around it, but I've so much happening I can't give it the time it needs. I will eventually though, will probably do a course. It's one of those, someday I'll get around to it things.
I appreciate your comments, thank you.
Sometimes, I also encounter getting confused on things I do or plan to do. And nature helps a lot, especially the good scenery of a sunset. I agree with you, you are lucky to be just minutes away from this wilderness of beauty. Just like how I live near a mountain.
And another thing, just a big wow for the shots. I love all of them! Hmmm. The Samsung S22 Ultra is really my dream phone, maybe soon.
Nature is a great healer, but it can be brutal also: Flooding, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, cyclones and so on...But generally, yep it's legit.
Also, the S22 Ultra is a great phone, or so I have find, so I hope you get one yourself and try it out.
The pictures are just amazing, You are so lucky to experience the beautiful sight of nature and so talented to take such pictures.
keep growing.Hi @galenkp
Thank you, I think the snaps are ok too, for an amateur. I love the outdoors and to have a few pictures to carry me back there when I'm working at my desk makes me happy.
The S22 Ultra does great photos indeed. I watched a camera comparison between S22 and S23 Ultras and although there's no major upgrade between the two I'll wait for some S23 Ultra discounts later this year so I can upgrade my S21 with a brand-new S23 Utra. Smartphones are starting to have some really great cameras lately.
I remember when phones had cords attached to the wall and mobile meant stretching the spiral cable for the handset as far as it would go, which wasn't far. Phones have come a long way haven't they?
I don't know anything about the S23 or another phone really, I ignore them until I need a new one. But phone cameras have certainly come a long way as far as quality and features, that's for sure.
You are blessed to be so close to such a place and enjoy it in all its moments and whenever you want :) And even if you are not a photographer, the pictures attached are way better than those shared by some guys out there who call themselves photographers, lol
It's a great privilege to have access to this property and I go there a lot for the actual purpose of shooting and also just because I like the peace and quiet of the place.
Thanks for your comments on my photos, I really appreciate it. I don't see myself as a photograper but enjoy those occasions when I manage to get a decent shot. I find it reward and can understand how a photographer might feel when they know that have a good one.
That sky is pure magic! The curve and line of the hills in stark shadow and light from That sky is so wonderful, thanks for sharing this @galenkp
You're welcome and thanks for the lovely comments. I appreciate it. It's an easy place to like, and whilst I'm there for a different and more serious purpose life can often throw up great value if one is open to it.
Inspirational text, gives some strength and motivation, provokes thinking and brings peace. Amazing photos and especially the sunset, it's a really special moment.
It was a nice moment and I'm glad I was able to capture it in a photo that conveyed in some small way the actual event.
Thank you for commenting.
I am completely overwhelmed by these beautiful landscape shots. Since I can only say at the right place, been there at the right time and this held on a photo.
Thanks, I like them too...but even better is being in that place whilst the sun dips over the horizon. Pretty magical.
If these are my photos, I would surely claim that I am a good photographer... I bought a camera Canon M50 because it is one of my frustrations to have a camera because I only have very few photos when I was a kid. Our Neighbors didnt let us borrow their camera (the one with negative films)...
Now, that I have a camera, I do not bring it so often because people have so high expectations when you bring a real camera. So, I just use my old iphone to take pictures most of the time. 😅
Lol...yeah, I know people with great cameras who do the same...leave them home because everyone wants them to be the official photographer! I like using my phone, but my Olympus takes a reasonable shot too.
So yes, I leave them at home.... Your phone really takes very good photos, no question!
Hello Galen what a beautiful sunset, almost every day is one of the pleasures of this life that I enjoy the sunset and the sunset... Sunsets are irreplaceable, they represent the end of something, closing cycles and the moment I take to be grateful.
Those couples you share are from postcards, what a beauty of pastures and colors.
Thank you Galen for the contemplation and the enjoyment.
It's a good spot, nice and peaceful mainly...except when I start banging away on the long gun...then it's less peaceful.
The photos turned out very well, I think the cameras help a lot when focusing our lens even if we are not photographers. I'm not a photographer either, but I can't resist such a beautiful landscape and I look for the best angles to take advantage of it. I think the Samsung phone has a good camera to achieve the goal
Thank you, it's nice to receive nice comments about my photography. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
You really are in the great place not just to enjoy the beauty of nature but to be with yourself to, think and to relax.
Moments spent in outdoor/wilderness places are always moments well spent in my opinion.
there is something about open space, mostly in the country side that makes you feel alive again, getting out of all the noise, the smell, the confinement of the city, when i retire i would really like to move out of the city to a property own by the family, its currently empty but has a big open backyard with the same type of vibes of your pics, thx for sharing ✌️
I was born and raised in a small rural town an hour out of the city and loved my upbringing in such a place. It's a lovely wine-making and vineyard region, world famous in fact, and my childhood was full of adventure...I think that's what led me into feeling like I do about nature and doing the things I have done in life.
I hope you get to leave the city someday and find some peace in the great outdoors.
It is stunningly scenic. I think it's more fun to click that big camera gives you more creative control. Did someone again pull out a heavy calibre?
Yeah me.
I'm the only one permitted on this property and the firearms I use are chosen for their ability to humanely despatch the target animal; they're all large calibre rifles.
That's another fun level huh? I've read your posts and understand your passion for hunting. Congrats on having a very nice place you can always run to hunting for sunset and that special permission, I'm glad they see your potential. 💪
Some really nice non-photographs from a non-photographer XP
They seem like nice bonus mementos after a fun evening hanging out with a friend :)
Life is simply a collection of small moments although so many choose to hold out for the bigger ones. I live for the small ones enjoyed more often. They're everywhere. Me likey big ones too though.
I like them all and I agree with you, not enough people appreciate the little moments and seem to only think the big ones matter :)
I don't know if I'll ever be able to visit such a mesmerizing place with my own eyes. But your photography really drives me crazy the greenery all around the crimson sun in the center what a wonderful sight it looks like I can touch the sky can I really?
Australia is a beautiful place and scenery like this, and other types, is never far away. I feel very fortunate to have been born here.
It so amazing sir @galenkp
It sure is.
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