Maternity shoot for my daughter

in Photography Loverslast year


Finally got some sun for a shoot


My daughter has been wanting to do her maternity shoot before it gets too late into her pregnancy, but the weather has not been very cooperative with us over the past couple weeks. We have had snow, rain, and nothing but cloudy skies.


Luckily, we had a break in the clouds today and the sun was shining for us to go to the park near our home and take some pictures.


This shoot was more of a test shoot and we are planning on doing the actual maternity shoot when the lighting is better. These pictures were taken just a little after 1 in the afternoon, and the lighting was a bit harsh, so hopefully over the weekend we will be able to go somewhere and take some pictures during golden hour.


Shoots like this one are why I got into photography. I love capturing these moments, and it is even better when I am able to capture these moments for my family.


My daughter is about six weeks away from her due date, which means that her little boy will be coming very soon. It is crazy to think about everything that we have been through since she found out she was pregnant. It seems like so long ago.


We can't wait to meet her little guy. She is going to be such an amazing mom. We are almost done getting the nursery put together and I will have to share some photos of how it is turning out.


It's wonderful that you could capture these special moments for your family and create lasting memories. I agree that photography is a fantastic medium to celebrate and remember significant occasions like this.

Thank you. It has been so fun to be able to capture these memories.

Six weeks!! It seems like it wasn't that long ago you announced her pregnancy! Bet you're getting very excited!!

It's crazy how fast this has all gone. We are all very excited and anxiously awaiting his arrival.

These are beautiful shoots. You did well.

Thank you.

Your are stoked I bet! Your daughter looks very happy as well.

Thanks man. We are all very excited. We can't wait to meet him.

I love the edits @derangedvisions what specific editing software that you use it looks vintage and classic, Soon I will share my wife's maternity shot also. And I will ask you sir for some tips to make it better.

Thanks. I use Lightroom to edit my photos. Cant wait to see the shots you got.

these are gorgeous

Thank you. It was fun to capture these moments.

This make me think about my future.

How would i introduce myself to meeeee future girlfriend if i don't have parents for them to meet.

Family is something i have a skewed history off. I wish one day to build a whole loving family. Would probably spoil muh kids because i don't want them to experience what im going through now.

Im only 19 so this is Waaaay way ahead into the future.

But yeah i hope goodfortune with your Daughter and her pregnancy.

#RIP Marshmallow

Thanks man. Big things are coming for you. You’ve done a lot of personal work and it is going to pay off for you. Keep it up.

HURAHHHHHH! The self-improvement is reaaaal.

1st goal for now, Save money to move out and live in a better place.

These look wonderful. Love her dress. Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family “derangedpapaw”

lol, Derangerpapa would be a fun name. I'm just gonna be Pop and my wife is gonna be Lolli.

I see what you did 🤔🍭

You guys will be +1 soon!!

That's excellent.

I will always put her in my prayers

Thanks. Not much longer. Probably 3-4 weeks.

Lovely shoot, something beautiful to look back at. 🥰

Thank you. I am glad we had a break in the weather to take these. Hopefully we get more sun in the next few days so we can get more photos.

Hope you do get some more nice days for it.
Here we got 1 meter new snow ❄️ the last 2 days. It is supposed to be spring and defrosting hahaha

Damn, thats a lot of snow in two days. We didn't get any snow like that this year, but our mountains got snow like that pretty much all winter.

It surely is, I think the garden is still buried under 2 meters. !LOL
It is still higher than the roof of our suv 🚘 but it will thaw soon.
Will be interesting to see the garden as never seen it, since we moved in here mid winter.

The seasons are definitely off lately…
Have a great mid week.

This is so lovely, I love the fact that it is not nude related. You will be a sweet mother.



I wish your daughter a successful delivery
You took beautiful pictures of her

Thank you. It's so cool that she is almost ready to deliver.

Very beautiful photos!


What wonderful photos♥

Thank you for the compliment.

Awnnn this is looking so beautiful

Thank you