
Thank you. I am glad we had a break in the weather to take these. Hopefully we get more sun in the next few days so we can get more photos.

Hope you do get some more nice days for it.
Here we got 1 meter new snow ❄️ the last 2 days. It is supposed to be spring and defrosting hahaha

Damn, thats a lot of snow in two days. We didn't get any snow like that this year, but our mountains got snow like that pretty much all winter.

It surely is, I think the garden is still buried under 2 meters. !LOL
It is still higher than the roof of our suv 🚘 but it will thaw soon.
Will be interesting to see the garden as never seen it, since we moved in here mid winter.

The seasons are definitely off lately…
Have a great mid week.