Such an awesome Hike

Today I decided to go hiking with my wife, daughter and her boyfriend. It was a much needed excursion to get out of the house and to get out in nature. Timpanoogs Cave is a very popular hike during the summer and it is best to get there early before it gets too hot and crowded.

The hike up is only 1.5 miles, but it is a pretty steep hike and a great workout. We were only going to do the hike and not the guided tour of the cave because the cave tours are usually sold out if you do not get your tickets in advance.

Lucky for us, there were four spots left for the 11:15 tour, so I purchased them. The only problem is that it only gave us about an hour to hike all the way up to the top. We have not hiked in a couple years, so I wasn't sure how we would do, especially being on a time crunch to meet the 11:15 tour.

So we booked it up the side of the mountain as fast as we could, only stopping for breaks when it was necessary. My daughter's lungs aren't what they used to be because of long lasting COVID symptoms, but we were able to get up there within 45 minutes.

I thought these little pillars alongside the trail were funny cause they had sharp rocks mounted on the top of them. I guess there have been too many people fall off of them in the past and get seriously injured or die, so they put these rocks on them to keep people from posing for pictures on them.

The views as we climbed just got better and better the higher we hiked up.

By the time we got to the top, our butts and calves had had enough. It was good to sit and rest a bit before our tour started. It gave us time to grab a quick snack. During the hike, there is an elevation gain of 1092 feet during that short distance up.

Inside the cave, it was a cool 45 degrees. It felt really good after that long hike up.

There were so many cool formations inside the cave.

It is crazy how these formations form over time. They have done a really great job at preserving as many of the formations they could. There are some pretty hefty fines for messing with the formations in the caves and I am glad that they are taking the steps to preserve the beauty of this cave.

This huge formation is called the "heart of Timpanogos", but it looks a lot like a vagina as well as a heart.

Along with the massive vagina in the cave, there are a ton of formations that look like dildos hanging from the ceiling. I wanted to ask our tour guide what the flesh colored formations were, but figured it would be innapropriate.

Once the tour was over and we got outside, we started our trek back down the mountain.

The way down was still pretty tiring and was a great workout for the tops of the thighs.

Overall, it is a pretty great hike. It is a great workout and when we got home, we all needed a nap. We are going to be trying to go out hiking every weekend now that my wife's work schedule is more predictable.
It was nice to get out with the family and spend some time together in nature. So much better than being cooped up in the house in front of the TV or computer screen. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to check out my post. You are awesome!!
Dude, this looks like an awesome hike. Totally a place I want to visit now. I went to some stalagmite caves in Gibraltar once but that was quite the let down. This cave looks way cooler. I got to hang out with some monkeys though.
Ya, this one has some pretty good structures inside of it. I am not a fan of cave diving or any of that crazy shit, but I like the guided tours where there is plenty of space to move around.
Oh what a road! It was definetely worth hiking because the cave is awesome! I always admired caves as I find it spectacular how nature can create these pockets of architecture. Indeed some shapes in the cave looked kinda similar with what some people have down there lol. Good eye! 😂
Ya, it is crazy to think how long it takes for these to form inside the cave. That's why I am glad they are trying to preserve it and give the cave the ability to continue to grow.
Yes, the caves need to be preserved. I remember watching an interview with a scientist who said that during lockdown when caves were closed temperatures shifted and helped the organisms in the cave live better as when they were open the temperatues were so much higher with so many visitors inside. A small detail making a big difference
Wow. That's like a highway for the feet for sure. And those rock dildos. Man. Haven't seen one of those in awhile. Not since South Dakota when I was like, 10.
There was even a rock shaped like a butt plug in there. I wouldn’t be surprised if people sculpted them before they opened the cave for tours. At least that’s what I would do if I found a cave like this.
If I found a cave like that, I grow all my hair out for twenty years then jump out and scare people holding a massive rock dildo.
Pretty much yeah, except I'd have stuck food in there.
Definitely a unique place to visit. I haven't been in a cave that big, ever!
Hehe, the dick-like shapes were even more obvious than the vaginas. Someone like myself, I wouldn't really care what anyone feels about my question, I'd have gone ahead and asked why the heck there are dicks and pussy shapes everywhere, lol.
Lol. There were a lot of them in there.
Nature knows its thing. 😂😂😂
Lol, am just being honest, my curiosity wouldn't let me be, so then, I'd definitely ask away :)
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