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RE: "Is this art, or can it go?" - Interactive exhibition

It's an interesting concept, new to me too and I don't think I'm going to see that implemented here. Also, I was looking at the artworks, trying to decide which one would be DIT IS KUNST and MAG WEG for me. But at he end of the day, would I ever use those stickers to express my opinion? I guess not. There is one artwork, or so called artwork that in my opinion would be MAG WEG but I wouldn't label it anyway, because it's just my opinion and I don't think I have the right to say it must go.

I really liked this one. Can you guess why?

I can try and I think it's because of the main colors, yellow and blue and reminds you the home you left behind.

I see you were confused about the last two artworks. The penultimate one, the upside down tree and Earth, I see a meaning, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I think the tree is upside sown, symbolizing the mass destruction that is happening these days, entire forests are cut down and those trees, the wood itself is going into the ground as it is either burnt, or used to create furniture, which at the end ends um in the ground. But wait! Is that an upside down tree or the root of the tree? If it's the root, my theory can still stand as those trees are eliminated.

The last one is an interesting one. Did you know that people say It's an interesting one when they have no clue what it is? 😂 Well, I could come up with some crazy theories, but what's the point? However, I would love to hear what the artist has to say about their artwork.


because it's just my opinion and I don't think I have the right to say it must go.

Is that the only reason you wouldn't stick your opinion? Wouldn't you stick to participate? That's the point of the exhibition.

reminds you the home you left behind.

I never noticed that until now. But it could have given me a subliminal bias.

I love your take on the penultimate one. Very vast chains of thoughts there. I wonder what the artist meant.

It's an interesting one

Oh yes, it sure is interesting. I didn't like it at all for stated reasons. But I have a theory,after trying to "deocde" the work. Imo, this is the artist's journey/take with homelessness. There are a lot of cities mentioned, a lot of public departments, furntiure names and so on.

Too bad i'll never get to ask the artist.

Is that the only reason you wouldn't stick your opinion? Wouldn't you stick to participate? That's the point of the exhibition.

I know that's the point of the exhibition, but let me explain my pov better. It's one thing to say you don't like it, and a totally different one to say it must go. Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not good. Maybe I'm too dumb to see the meaning of it. Besides, imagine what the artist must feel seeing his work is considered garbage. How would you feel?

About the last one, the truth is, you can stand in front of it all day long, come up with different theories, views, name them as you wish, but God knows what the artist meant. I tried to enlarge the image and see what it says, and put together an explanation, but ... what for? Art is meant to bring something pleasant in your life. Would you buy this one? Would you have it in your room? Do you even like it? No? then what's the point, right?

Too bad i'll never get to ask the artist.

You can still run a search to see if you can find any info about it.