Under and over: Jetties

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

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I was born in Australia, albeit it an Australia that looked, felt and was vastly different to the Australia of today.

It was better before in my opinion, less...umm...less bloody stupid than it is now - nutbaggery abounds these days. I'm fortunate to have been born and raised here though and am grateful for that; despite the current-day nutbaggery (which occurs all over the world) it's a good place to have grown up and a good place to live, generally.

One of the greatest things about Australia is the diversity of landscapes, scenery, ecosystems and climates. Mountain ranges, grassy plains, deserts and arid lands, lush tropical jungles, snow-covered mountains, verdant valleys, lakes and rivers, bush and scrublands, ancient gorges and many thousands of kilometres of coastal regions exist, and so much more besides; it's vast, diverse, ruggedly beautiful and brutal sometimes...and I've been fortunate to have been to so much of it.

Along the way I've taken some photographs but, because I'm as old as the dinosaurs (the last remaining G-dogosaurus in fact), so many of my photographs are pre-digital-camera era and are difficult to share because they're printed on photo paper. They sit in boxes, many thousands of photos, and I take them out now and then to flip through...I love it as they carry me back to where they were taken and the memories created there. I lose myself for hours in that past-time.

These days I use my Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III and Samsung S22 Ultra to take photos and, whilst the quality of my photography probably hasn't improved much, they're easy to share. I was flipping through some over the last week and decided a little feature of some jetty shots might be fun so here's a selection of photos taken at the beach and all featuring jetties.

I'm typically a point and shoot kind of photographer and don't often play around with settings although I will now and then. Most of the shots in this post were taken with my current S22 Ultra or the S20 and S21 models that I had previously. I used my Olympus for some though, I wonder if you can tell the difference between the shots?

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I'm fortunate to live quite close to the beach and because there's so many beaches in Australia crowds are almost unheard of; that's perfect!

Sure, there's crowds at places like Bondi and Manly beaches in Sydney which is why I stay away from them...Too many people doesn't suit me well. We have over thirty four thousand kilometres of coastline and something like twelve thousand swimmable beaches though, so there's plenty of choice. I always look for ones with few people, which isn't too difficult to find.

I walk a lot, wandering along minding my own business lost in my own thoughts until I see something I might like a photo of then point and shoot hoping for a good result. Every now and then I get a reasonable snap, reasonable by my standards anyway, and I'll admit, it feels good...the moment, and getting a good snap.

It's amazing how different light conditions bring different results to the photograph and I play around a lot as the light changes...That's the beauty of digital photography, one can keep snapping. The two images above and the one below demonstrate my point about the different light conditions and results.

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Sometimes I try to get creative like in the next two shots.

The first was taken of a jetty pylon that had barnacles encrusted all over it...I risked getting eaten by a great white shark to get this shot looking back to the beach. One came swimming by, took a sniff and realised I wasn't a tourist so simply said g'day and buggered off to find a tourist to eat.

The second one below was taken of a child's (maybe adult's) sand castle I came across on the beach. That evening was quite windy to be honest, uncomfortably so, but the wind whipped up the sand into what looked like little waves and they made shadows which I think was a pretty nice look.

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I chose jetties as the theme in this post as I have quite a few shots with them in frame.

I like how they cast shadows and there's the juxtaposition of the man-made jetty against the naturally occurring beach and ocean that is interesting also. Of course, there's the changing colours of the setting sun or the water itself, cloud formations and the lines and shapes caused by waves lapping at the shore to add something nice to the shot as well. The next six shots demonstrates that.

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I love outdoor places, in general, and spending time there with my thoughts and in the peaceful quite of nature. I love living in Australia also, a country that gives a person so many outdoor options.

It doesn't matter if it's the outback, mountain areas, lakes, rivers or anywhere else, I feel at home when surrounded by nature and Australia is one of those places where there's so much to enjoy, all different and quite unique. I feel a strong affinity with the ocean and beach, (despite finding sand annoying), and bringing them together with the sunset all in the same moment feels special indeed. It's one of my go-to places considering how close I live to the beach and I always find something of value, a photo opportunity or peace of mind.

As the sun sets on this post I wonder...does nature make you feel things deeply like it does me? Do you feel more in touch with the planet around you and your true self within when you're in natural places?

If you'd like to comment below about my post, ask any questions (don't make them technical, I won't know the answers) or just comment please do so. Also, feel free to tell me what wondrous things you feel within yourself because of spending time with nature and share some thoughts on a special moment you've spent within mother nature's embrace.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own and is not for your use without my express permission.


Dude, not to butter you up, and please don't upvote my comment... but you had some bangin shots in there. I won't bother to explain why, technically.... but this was an excellently written post accompanied by some amazing imagery. You will have to find out in the next HotShots post i liked best... but i am going to have a tough time selecting. Thanks for getting more active over here even though you already have so much going on. It's nice to see you here G-Dawg. Cheers my brotha from down undah!

Hey mate, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying your community and seeing my shots as photographs rather than coloured things that sit at the top of my posts. It's been fun and I'll post some more.

I'd like to take some more macro stuff, maybe not as impactful as beaches and sunsets but when I get a good one I rejoice because...most are rubbish! Lol.

I was out on the beach last night, no clouds to catch colour but the colours I captures are pretty nice. I'll post them too. Took 80, might find 3 or 4 good ones. Lol.

Thanks for making me feel welcome and, oops, slipped and upvoted your comment. Sorry.

Yes, i tried to tell T-Money his shots were always good and both of you guys are stubborn to admit any talents because of y'alls hardheaded humility.

The cool thing about macro.... is you can find anything mundane and make it super exciting by the abstraction of the macro being so zoomed in. I particularly like bugs in macro... because almost all of them have tiny little faces. Once you see a Dragonfly smiling it changes the way you think of bugs. Flowers are cool in macro too. I was never much of a flower guy until Macro opened up more of my appreciation for the details they all have that usually go unnoticed.

Also, it's very common to have a reel of shots and only have a handful at the end worthy of post-production or display. But, since we are usually our own worst critics... i think many awesome shots probably get lost in the wash of over critiquing.

I'm super happy to hear you are having fun over here. I try to include everyone as best i can in the HotShots posts to help engage and encourage each other to support one another. I think that's a better social model than just trying to have everyone feel like they are competing for a spot.

I have seen the way that some users have grown and become more skilled just by the inspiration provided by others. The coolest feeling is when a non-photographer gets props from real pros. It just shows that if you capture beauty, it will be appreciated from those that can see to appreciate it.


I've got a few ideas for some macro stuff which I'll try out, I can always sweep the failures under the carpet right?

It's a good community and I'm pleased to be here. Let's hope people keep bringing it, their best I mean.

Also...lolled at hardheaded humility.


Simply love the shots. Just almost feel being there, and wanting it. Thank you.

Thanks mate, it make sit easier when there's a good subject to work with right? I'd love to get a drone (still haven't got one) and get it up over these beaches but they're prohibited. Oh well, there's other places...I just need a drone. Lol.

Hehhehe yes you do. I'm sure we'll be seeing some great posts from you in that group before too long..

I'm ok with average posts...it suits who I am more than great.


There they are! The jetty beach photos, well done, showing such diversity in one theme. My two favorite ones are the second to last - I'm a sucker for sunrays and reflections (also great composition) - and the other very wide photo (5th from the bottom) I love turquoise waters.

So you say sharks in Australia are conditioned to bite some innocent tourist, huh? Not very friendly of you lot. But, of course, I'm glad the shark didn't take a closer look at your legs standing in the water to get that nice barnacle shot. Otherwise, it might have made an exception and taken a lil' bite.

The great whites are rather smart creatures and can be easily trained to eat tourists. They get it wrong sometimes and eat an Australian though. Accidents happen.

I was out taking some shots tonight at the beach, the sunset. I think I got a few decent ones that'll I'll post in a week or so. Thanks for your compliments on these ones though, especially the composition compliment. I'm glad to have got one right. 😁

I'm glad to have got one right.

Pssst - guess what? There's more than one 😝 Curious to see which one Castleberry picks.

Lol, maybe two?

I enjoyed your photos of the jetties (which I've always called piers here).

Always an affectionate feeling when seeing a sand castle of any kind.

The photo after the sand castle one is most amazing.

There IS always something amazing about being by the sea. I don't know if there are exact words to describe it, but it seems nearly everyone feels it when there. When I was growing up, my parents took us to the beach for a week of vacation nearly every year. When it came time to leave, after the car was packed, we'd all go down to the sand and stand there for a few minutes, taking one last look before saying goodbye. Then we'd go back, get in the car and head home, usually about a 4 hour trip. Can you imaging that, a 4 hour trip with 5 children of various ages ?? OMGoodness ! ha ha

As an adult, I have not gotten to go back every year, but the times I was able, I always did that very thing, go down to the beach, soak in the view as deeply as I could while saying a silent goodbye.... and hoping to see it again sometime.

One time my brother and I were discussing the beach, which he LOVED and our feelings about it and I told him that every time before I left, I stood there on the sand looking out over the water and tried to take it all in, in case I never got to see it again. Interestingly, he said that was exactly what he had done through the years, the very same thing of looking long and hard, just in case somehow, it could be the last time.

I don't know what causes that type of thought, but I was very surprised that it was not just me.

I really don't know what it is about the beach and ocean that attracts people and makes us feel good, but it's certainly there for sure. The feeling.

I can hardly imagine what it must be like not living close to the beach. Actually, 95% of all Australian people live within a one hour drive if the coast, and it plays a huge part in our lives. Driving five hours with a car load of kids? Hmm, your parents must have been very patient. Although, it speaks well if them that they did it and here you are still holding the memories dear.

Thanks for the comments on my shots, I was at the beach last night and took 80 more, different light conditions, and I'll post a few soon.

You know, back then was a totally different day with children in families such as ours. We were taught right and wrong as best as they knew it and we were also taught respect for them and others. People complimented them many times on how well behaved their children were and that meant a lot to my Mother. We knew there was no such thing as pitching a tantrum at home and certainly NOT in public from the time were were old enough to understand. They made the effort and took the time and in some ways, it eventually made it easier for them.

Although I didn't learn it enough to tell it exactly right, I read in the past that the combination of water, air and light created negative ions that are somehow good for our health and and something to do with releasing more serotonins and increasing oxygen flow to our brains that can actually make us feel physically better. They are supposed to be more concentrated near bodies of water, so their "may" be even more than a mental attachment to such places.

I look forward to seeing more photos.

Your first paragraph, I could have written it myself, meaning it was exactly the same with me.

Your second paragraph, I've heard similar before though can't remember. It's all too complicated for a simple bloke like me; I feel good and feeling good is good enough right?

These are awesome. I'm sure there are people who would go out of their way to attempt to distinguish between the Samsung and Olympus; I am not one of those people. I think that having to know the actual type of camera which took a photo is irrelevant to someone's enjoyment of the photo.; it's really inconsequential.

I'm lucky enough to work for a person who will occasionally tell me to take a day off and go commune with nature. That's pretty awesome. I can often tell when I need it (like lately) and it's always a great recharge. My options are a little more limited, but enjoyed just as much as yours. I'm more than happy to take advantage of what I have.

sure there are people who would go out of their way to attempt to distinguish between the Samsung and Olympus; I am not one of those people. I think that having to know the actual type of camera which took a photo is irrelevant to someone's enjoyment of the photo.

I agree...It's like eating a burger and having to know what brand of grill it was cooked on. Totally irrelevant.

I like that you have the ability to wander about the place as needed and that you have a workplace like that and a boss who encourages it, has to leave you feeling pretty good I'd say. Take advantage of it, feel better and be more productive because of it.

Thanks for your comments and not asking me to distinguish between the Olympus and Samsung shots. Lol.

Something something f-stops something shutter speed something something color temperature something technical query?

Lol...if I knew what any of that was I'd come up with a beautifully crafted technical response. Alas, about all I can say is, I pointed, pressed the button and something happened.

You are a master of photography even though you wouldn't admit that because you are humble and don't like to brag.

I have seen pictures of landscapes, beaches, and many other places in Australia and I can tell that the country is a very beautiful place. My country is beautiful as well but we don't have enough security and that's why many of us don't explore nature as you guys do.

We have beaches but they are always crowdy and I can't remember the last time I visited one. Your creativity with photography is awesome and thanks for gracing my eyes with these amazing shots.

Thanks for your kind compliment.

It's a shame you folks don't get to enjoy your country to it's full extent due to the potential risk; it must be a terrible way to live.

I'm glad to have the chance to showcase some of Australia's amazing views and to share my simple photography.

Thanks for your comment.

Walking in nature is great and unfortunately, it's increasingly difficult to find some good natural spots in cities and villages.
By the way, I love walking in nature, in silence, bare feet when possible to reconnect with the ground.

And yes, people, cities are getting dumber and dumber, just more and more immersed, drowning into their frenetic lifestyle

I've just come back from a walk on the beach. I got there with the sun low and the horizon and walked until it was dark. I had my camera and the shots will come up on a post in the next week or so when I have time. It was a nice couple hours...made me feel more connected as my bare feet walked the sand, waded the water and carried me across the surface of the planet. It is as you say, I love walking in nature, in silence, bare feet when possible to reconnect with the ground.

Yes, I agree with you that being born in Australia was a good option, also considering today's world.

As far as photographs are concerned, I am certainly not an expert, but I must confess that I really like these shots of yours; it is probably due to the fact that I too am a nature lover and, moreover, having grown up in a place by the sea, I really appreciate the subjects of the photos ... I love the beach and it gives me a sense of peace, especially the pristine ones where maybe you you find yourself alone, You and the sea.

Great thoughts and great reflections are born by chatting with the sea.

Hey mate, thanks for your nice comments.

I just got home from a beach walk and watching the sunset...I took 80 more photos and think I got a few good ones I'll use in a post eventually. It was a nice night, relaxing, quiet and soothing.

Thanks always to you for the beauty you give, even with simple photos, which aren't simple... or rather, beauty often lies in simplicity!

The sea is something you have inside, for me it has a soothing and healing effect.
In reality I believe that nature has this effect on me, especially the wild and uncontaminated one.

A strong hug!

Looks like you've been out hunting for some pretty scenes of nature, then capturing and collecting them in your digital album haha. I say it's a job well done, from the angles to centering and maintaining symmetry, lovely work. 🔥

I'm always out and about. I got back from the beach where I took 8o photos of the sunset which will come up in a post someday.

80 photos of just the sunset? Damn. Must've been one hell of a view.

You'll see if you run into the post down the track.

I saw it, but that's just one angle, need more haha.


This one right here is my favorite. The sun's long gone, but the clouds and colors were something else. Out of the countless pictures I've taken at that moment, this one stood out.

That's a good shot. I like how the sun's colour catches clouds after the sun has gone.

It's in Cox's Bazaar, taken just last year in May. And even though I've been to Cox's Bazaar countless times, this view here was just something else.

As what I told you before, my partner is now living in Australia and he kept on mentioning how beautiful it really is in there. I could not agree more, when he shares his pictures with me. From the view of the coastal roads, and how he enjoyed rock-fishing are enough to make feel excited of visiting Australia soon enough after we get married. I think this place is also welcoming to people, despite the diversity.

I think this place is also welcoming to people, despite the diversity.

It can be. You say, "despite the diversity." I think maybe you're not understanding the word correctly.

What I meant in using the term was, your country is welcoming to people despite the differences in culture, and more. Thank you for correcting.

Ah yeah ok, we certainly have a different culture, but it's a very multicultural place and that's what makes it so good.

What beauties of images of your land, Galen, thank you for delighting me through this space with the natural beauty of those places.

For me, nature and every sunrise are a YES to life is an insight into the deepest and most significant of my being, it gives relevance and meaning to processes of my life.

My master nature gives me meaning and peace before any internal or external situation that I am going through. I share my sunrise with you while having a coffee.

Happy Weekend 🌻☕

That's not a bad looking sunrise. I was just at the beach an hour ago taking snaps of tonight's sunset, 80 of them. I'll do a post in a week or so. Have a good Saturday.

Thanks, Galen, same to you happy Saturday, and looking forward to those beautiful images of the sunset.

I have many photos on paper, boxes full of images of many moments. In my post today for the engagement, I took a few of those flintstones dinosaur pictures.

Being out no matter where you select, able to clear ones mind without hindrance!

Beaches are a great attraction, superb photography love the old wooden piers added character.

No matter the lens, settings or camera it is the time spent enjoying what one obtains, a moment in time captured.


If every shot I took turned out badly, I'd still have the enjoyment of being out within nature. I think that has a lot of value, as you say.

Being out there testing hidden talents, we never totally amazed with our own work, doubting Thomas syndrome !LOLZ

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You must be killin' it out here!
@lolz.pimp just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @joanstewart.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Amazing photos 😍
Im from Argentina, our ocean is so brown.. The sand is dark and black, but I see beaches of all over the world and are so amazing!
Nice pics @galenkp

I think there's beauty to be found throughout nature, some more than others, but it's always there.

Australian beaches are renowned for being awesome and it's a privilege to live in and be able to enjoy such places. I guess just like you folks in Argentina...some amazing places there too right?

It was not my intention to say that the Argentinean beaches are ugly, but compared to those of other countries they seem very poor to me haha. But Argentina has the Iguazu Falls, the Andes Mountains, Bariloche, the Perito Moreno Glacier, etc. Argentina has all climates, and many natural wonders. But thanks for the answer and I look forward to many more posts from you! Greetings!

Argentina is on my list of places to go. I've been around the world, but never to Argentina for some reason. I'll get there, I've heard is really nice and because I love the outdoors I think I'll find plenty to like.

Of course, if you like Winter, go to see "Glaciar Perito Moreno" or "El Bolsón".
If you like mountains and staff "Salta" "Jujuy". Ive never been in the North of argentina but I know is beautiful!

Your photographs fascinate me very much. I know very little about the field of photography but I can say that you are a good photographer.

Australia indeed has many beautiful places and I wanna visit someday there. But before doing that I will try to visit most of the beautiful places in my own country first 😉.

Thank you for your compliments. I guess, because I took some photos, I'm a photographer, but I don't feel I'm very good at it because I don't know any of the technical said if it. Still, I have fun and that's what counts.

I will try to visit most of the beautiful places in my own country

What parts of your own country would you like to visit?

What parts of your own country would you like to visit?

Cox's bazar sea beach, Saint martin Island, Kuakata, Sundarbans and so many beautiful places exist in our country. And i wanna visit all the places.

Write them on a list and make them happen. Good luck.

Damn some nice shots here dude, I love the ones at the golden hour. Those came out the best! Underneath the jetty was my favorite for sure. I couldn’t tell which ones were from the camera versus the phone but similar things happen with my newer work phone versus my canon camera.

There’s an increasing amount of idiocy in the world that’s for sure. I’m hoping we can turn the tide back, we are heading down a bad path for sure.

Yeah, I'm happy with these shots...only took me three million and seventeen bad ones to get these few good ones.

Turn the tide? I don't think so...the tsunami of nutbaggery will destroy humanity and then, if anyone survives, maybe we can have a other go at it. I'll be dead by then though, I'll not see the tsunami. It's building though.

Your photography skills are truly exceptional! Your humility is admirable, but it's clear that you have a real talent for capturing the beauty of the world around us through your lens. Your shots of landscapes, beaches, and other places in Australia are truly breathtaking, and they inspire a sense of wanderlust and adventure.

Thank you for sharing your amazing shots with us, and for gracing our eyes with the beauty of the world around us.

Thank for your kind comments, I always hope to depict Australia of a place of great beauty because it's a country I'm proud of, my home, and respect greatly.

Great photos and I am also the point and shoot kinda guy. Shutter speeds and technical things have no meaning to me, as I simply allow the camera to do its work. Now I can see why so many Saffers are emigrating to Australia and if it wasn't for my age, we would also be there.
I like the color changes in the photos.

Australia is an easy place to love and there's so much of it, so many places to explore in this vast land, that a lifetime isn't ever going to be enough. Pointing the camera and clicking the button often gets a reasonable result, a monkey could do it. or a g-dog.

Oh yes, we only hear good stories about Aus over here and sadly there are so many parents that pine for their kids so far away. I have a Russian friend and his wife is very close to their 3 daughters who have emigrated to Australia with their husbands and their children. It is costing their parents a bomb to get a 6 month visa and to travel to Aus. every year.
A reasonable result from point and shoot is good enough in my book and if a monkey and the g-dog can do it, then count me in. But I have to say that at times we can get lucky with some amazing shots that can compete with the best out there.


Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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the reflection of the sky on the water makes it so blue, looks like jelly, I have a used Sony a6000 bought from a friend with a few scratches but works great, so many settings I barely use it, prefer to use my Iphone 10, number 9 makes me imagine the smell of salt of the beach, nice pics, thx for sharing ✌️

I actually don't think it matters what's used as long as the person is enjoying the process. For me, being out in nature isn't about getting photos, that the secondary thing to actually being in the outdoors and with nature.

Great to know more details about Australia. I think tropical jungle would be the most interesting one of Australia well there are more and things to explore in Australia.

It's one element of Australia a lot of people don't expect, but the entire top of Australia is tropical. It's a nice part of the country.

Beautiful shots mate! How great has this summer been although there hasn't been as many hot days the wet weather has bounced things back to life just in time for the next heat wave providing a flurry of activity, colours and beauty.

Nutbaggery has always existed, we just didn't have the internet to show us. Let's be honest Adelaide with a population of 10 didn't have much happening 🤣

Yeah, it's been a good summer. We've had a lot of hot weather actually; we all know Melbourne is dysfunctional from a weather perspective...and in other ways.

Melbourne is the Ruprecht of Australia.

If the reference makes no sense, go and watch the movie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

If Ruprecht translates to most livable city in the world multiple times over, than yes it is :)

Haha, yeah...


My word Galen!

I've just come to your post after a very Loooooonnnnnnggggg and trying day and these photos literally took my breath away. You have such amazing talent at capturing the best angles and I always admire your shots, even if you claim to not know anything about f-stops and such (I personally think you're fibbing hahahaha).

Thank you for making my day so much better and sharing these beautiful scenes with everyone. Absolutely spectacular!

Thanks for your compliments, I'm glad your day got better.

what beautiful colors!!! and the straight lines of the dock against the sea waves of the sea, wonderful!!!!

Thank you, I appreciate that you took the time to view my post and comment.

Your photographs are amazing. They manage to transmit the energy of mother nature.
The last two photos are wonderful, they have transported me to that place.

Thank you. I love the outdoors so much and bring images of what I experience to others makes me happy.

Ahh yes, the outback there is marvelous. Well, the only downside is the danger, praying for the next victim. All these dangerous animals are just a result of harsh landscape I guess. So for me, New Zealand would be my rookie place to go. Maybe when I would toughen up, Australia it is. Here at my home, we have only 2 types of venomous snakes and even these two aren't that fatal. Probably that is the reason I would be afraid. And changing some habits isn't an easy thing... Like checking your boots when you put them on. Anyway, did you encounter any dangerous animal in Australia?

I've encountered many dangerous animals in Australia, even stepped on a big Eastern Brown snake once...I wrote a post about it. It's a very deadly snake. I didn't get tagged fortunately, or I might not be here to tell the story.

It's like any place though, in that there's pros and cons. Australia has a lot to offer and people don't run into deadly things all the time.

very beautiful photos, I am very interested and like to see your amazingly good photo posts, greetings, friends.

Thank you, I appreciate that you took the time to write this excellent comment.

@galenkp Beautiful your photos 😍

My weekend was great. Too relaxed. Finally.
Of course I find your weekend interesting. You have to show (with pictures) how it was

Thanks. I live in a beautiful place.


I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday I wrote a really long post (2000 words) which I'll publish on Wednesday. It's about how to determine the range of a target without the use of a laser rangefinder, probably nothing that'll interest you but I had a good time writing it. I watched some shows on Saturday night, made a scrummy (tasty) dinner and then on Sunday went to a caravan and camping show to start looking for an off-road caravan/camper to replace the one I have. It'll be a long process of evaluation before a decision is made. Sunday night I watched more episodes.

That's about it. I hope you had a good weekend (anything fun?) and that you have a good week ahead.

Hunting is the only thing I don't share but I understand and accept your point of view. I imagine you must find it exciting

Killing things isn't exciting to me, I don't like it actually, but sometimes it must be done.

Believe it or not I've always wondered what you hunt? 🤔 Other than wild boar, which you once made mention of, that there are none in your area.

Kangaroos, pigs, deer, foxes, goats and so on, not in the suburbs where I love though, out in the outback.


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Are you planning to get the Samsung S23 Ultra? Hehe!

Nah, nothing wrong with my S22 Ultra and haven't had it that long...and I'm not one to want to change things because Samsung tells me I should.

Hehe that's true! My current S10 is failing me after more than 3 years and I am looking for a new one currently.

I've been happy with mine, although I guess most would prefer to go for the S23 despite prices now being down on the S22 Ultra I suppose.

Muy bonito todo, lastima que no vivo cerca de la playa, la que mas tengo cerca es el lago de Maracaibo y esta contaminado, en la vida para mi lo mejor es la playa me gusta mucho, gracias por tu post y mostrar tus playas, gracias👍

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Boy is this true..:

..."despite the current-day nutbaggery (which occurs all over the world)"