
My weekend was great. Too relaxed. Finally.
Of course I find your weekend interesting. You have to show (with pictures) how it was

Thanks. I live in a beautiful place.


I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday I wrote a really long post (2000 words) which I'll publish on Wednesday. It's about how to determine the range of a target without the use of a laser rangefinder, probably nothing that'll interest you but I had a good time writing it. I watched some shows on Saturday night, made a scrummy (tasty) dinner and then on Sunday went to a caravan and camping show to start looking for an off-road caravan/camper to replace the one I have. It'll be a long process of evaluation before a decision is made. Sunday night I watched more episodes.

That's about it. I hope you had a good weekend (anything fun?) and that you have a good week ahead.

Hunting is the only thing I don't share but I understand and accept your point of view. I imagine you must find it exciting

Killing things isn't exciting to me, I don't like it actually, but sometimes it must be done.

Believe it or not I've always wondered what you hunt? 🤔 Other than wild boar, which you once made mention of, that there are none in your area.

Kangaroos, pigs, deer, foxes, goats and so on, not in the suburbs where I love though, out in the outback.

Why kangaroos?

In some cases they are pests. The government regulates their numbers. I've written about it many times.