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RE: I rebuilt my photography website and reselected my folio - what do you think?

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

That's the good thing about my photography - it isn't just a job. It is a higher calling from the little tiny angel and demon that sits atop either shoulder. Certainly resigned to the fact that it won't make me a living wage, and that's okay. I have my day job for that.

I wrote this post stream of conscious, with no pre-ordained plan. I think a warm pile of rags fresh out of a dryer would make a wonderful sleeping hovel.

Glad to see you are back. Hope the visit to your parents was refreshing and removed you from your reality the way you had wished.


I am working in hybrid way as well, it is actually only way I can see to not go broke when you are starting your own business:)

I just imagined 5ft tall man curled up in a ball in a nest:) What a great idea for a novela

I am glad to be back, really:)

I've been at my corpo job for 11 years now. I don't see that changing any time soon. In fact, that number of eleven will probably increment by 1 each year until either I become a redundancy package walking out the door, or I cease to exist, or some other event unfolds that divorces me from that corporate bondage.

At least I've worked from home for the last 6 years. Even in the "before-Covid" times. So that's pretty neat.

I would consider you lucky then. I never was able to work for one company longer than 3 years. I wonder how people do that. How you do that?

I've had a different role (and career path in the company) throughout the time I've been there. From a grunt answering the phones and responding to live chat enquiries, to being a technical expert, to being a "complaint subject matter expert", to business analyst, to governance specialist to now being embedded in the Reporting and Insights team on what feels like an endless secondment.

That's actually sounds great. So it wasn't just one position all the way.
From 'help desk' to 'big desk'. I congratulate you!

And now is the first part of the time with the company that I'm learning transferrable skills that could be used elsewhere instead of just their proprietary CRMs and other systems. :D

Uuuu, dangerous, since you can just get up and leave:)

But as you said - not your plan for now. But it is nice to know something that is useful somewhere else:)