What a beauty Galen that nature that embraces you in your beloved country; in my maternal house there were many red cedars, pink Apamates, and Acacia, especially with its flower my brothers and I played with the pistils as if they were swords against each other until we took the counteroffensive from the other and that one won.
Every day I try to look for the flowering of the Curaries for this time of the surrounding year, with its signs and symbols that remind me that it is there for me.
Have a nice evening, my dear friend.❤️🤗
It was a nice hike and I enjoyed afterwards getting these photos taken. I'd hoped a few turned out well and was happy to see there was some I was comfortable sharing in the Photography Lovers community.
The Red Flowering Gum isn't a particularly great looking tree, rather boring in fact, but when they're blooming the contrast of red and green is pretty striking.
I hope you have a good day, I'm just doing some reading and tea drinking tonight; nice and quiet, and relaxing.
Night ... night Galen