Canada Geese Migration Delayed This Season カナダグースの渡る時期が今年は遅いようです [English and Japanese]

in Photography Lovers21 days ago (edited)


Canada Geese Migration Delayed This Season

When I hear their distinctive sounds from far away in the sky, I immediately notice a formation of Canada geese flying overhead. Their calls sound like trumpets or something similar. Once you’ve heard them, you can’t forget their unique voices. Their charming tones always signal their approach.


Typically, I observe Canada geese migrating between September and early November, before the snow becomes permanent. They often stop in my area during late autumn, well before the harsh cold arrives. However, I saw them yesterday, which was quite unusual for this time of year. I don't know exactly what happened to them.

I researched their migration patterns and learned that Canada geese head south to warmer regions for the winter, primarily the central and southern U.S. and parts of Mexico. Most geese breed in Canada and the northern United States.

Environmental factors such as temperature, food availability, and daylight length significantly influence their decision to migrate. As winter approaches and conditions shift, migratory flocks usually begin their journey south.

This year, autumn and winter have been unpredictable, with fluctuating temperatures. After our first snow, we experienced unusually warm days, and the snow completely melted just before Christmas. However, the temperature then dropped sharply, and now we have snow again. I even spotted a caterpillar a few days ago! This erratic weather seems to confuse everyone, humans included, which might explain why I saw Canada geese migrating so late in the season.


Canada geese symbolize teamwork, determination, and community. They inspire us to cultivate strong support networks, trust our instincts, and navigate life’s journey with resilience.

This symbolism resonates deeply with me. Every time I watch their formation, I’m amazed by how each bird plays a specific role. They adjust their arrangement based on direction, temperature, and wind conditions. Their collective effort is truly inspiring.

Building and maintaining relationships is one of life’s greatest challenges. Canada geese demonstrate exceptional teamwork. Interestingly, there isn’t just one leader in their group. The leading bird often changes, with the leader switching to the back while another takes its place. I’ve also noticed a few birds that don’t follow closely. They seem like outsiders but still belong to the group and contribute in their own way.

I admire their intelligence and hope they safely reach warmer destinations someday soon.

Japanese 日本語















Thank you for reading!
