"So there's my equipment in a nutshell."
So glad you did not say "in a nutsack".
I heard that rumour round the Hive that You have some pretty nice equipment. Now I can agree. I would like to see a photo of that camera with a shoulder strap "Well Hung" around your strong masculine shoulder... Heheheh
I hauled a load of scrap metal in to recycle a week or so back. You should have seen all the people who...
Stopped to L👀k at MY JUNK! 😂🤣😂
Lol...I might do a shoulder strap shoot one of these days...one must cater for ones fans.
Look at you haulin' your junk all over the place making people stop and take notice.
I know right. Sometimes you even have to pull over and check your junk. Adjust it. Make sure it is secure and in the proper position. LoL
I crack meeself up sometimes.
Lol...One must shift one's junk. It is known.