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RE: 🌼🥞 FIRST produce out of my garden : DANDELION PANCAKES ANYONE ??? 😉🌼

They surely did. The frost came wayyyy to early.
Good to hear for most parts. I hope you did manage to get on top of it again.

I did harvest the beet root and 2 cucumbers before the frost came and pickled them. Processed a load of carrots and courgettes for the freezer. Some carrots are still left in the veggie beds. Too small to harvest yet. They will be the last veggies left after today.
I will get all courgettes off today even if they are small. I will make something out of them. The rest of the plants didn’t make it.

 5 months ago  

It is never nice when weather does not play along! I am so sorry about the loss of produce. Frost can wreak havoc. I heard about some "black frost" that devastated hectares of potatoes here in South Africa.

No, it’s sad to see. I am grateful for every little veggie I did get.
I decided to make green tomato sauce with all the small cherry tomatoes as they kept falling of the plants I had hung in the basement. I also pulled all carrots left. They are cute and small but will make 3 dinners 😊

Just crazy, wow that is truly devastating so much.
Happy Friday! Enjoy your days, hopefully with sunshine ☀️

 4 months ago  

Oh luckily you could use what remained. It is never good to see produce only growing halfway, you feel like there is so much potential left! Especially with the carrots.

Happy new week, hopefully it is not too cold.

I know… you know you could have had so much more. Luckily I could use them…

Thank you so much 😊
It is truly cold now. Night go to -5 and day time is 3 degrees now.
The snow is sooner than I thought. It is about 1 hour away… so it won’t be long before the snow falls.
Today is a possibility and the weekend. It will be beautiful to see again.

Have a wonderful day 👋🏻 not tooooo hot 🥵 for you hopefully.
The earth js testing us with changing things so fast lately.

 4 months ago  

Oh my, we never get that cold here. The coldest in the middle of the winter is about 10 degrees. So, the -5C would really destroy my body so used to the heat!

I hope that there is beauty in the cold.

The weather here is so strange, some days 30 degrees and then falling back to 15. I hope that the plants will cope with these changes, as such temperature fluctuations can cause some problems (such as mold on the leaves).

Last winter the coldest for me (ever) was -28 degrees Celsius… that’s something else hahaha

We have not got any snow yet. Still some frosty nights. Somehow it warmed up. This week is exceptionally warm for this area. Even the neighbours said, this is rare. We get around 8 degrees today and tomorrow it says even 10.
So I thought… let’s finish some painting on the outside of the cabin.
The base / foundation was in a need of some paint. I wanted to do it next spring. But am squeezing it in now. So it is better weather prove for the long winter to come. I finished 2 sides. Need more paint though. As more layers are needed.

That is a big difference. Wow. I hope the plants will be ok too. Crossing my fingers for you 🤞🏻

Have a wonderful day 😊

 4 months ago  

I hope that you could manage painting everything! It sounds so crazy to chase the weather from our perspective. There is never a time that we chase the weather, we always just sit back and let it roll in like the tide.

That is incredibly cold, I cannot even imagine that temperature! The coldest it gets here is about 8 C. The coldest I have experienced in South Africa was up north where it gets about -1 C, which is strange because it does not feel like that cold - up north it is very dry and the humidity is only about 20%, so it does not "feel" that cold.

I hope that this week is still not too cold!