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RE: she let me watch

in Photography Lovers • last year

😂 Luckily for me, I don't know any male Quebecers alive/half-dead/dead since forever.

I can say anything I like online, providing I have authorization. Same applies offline, and in person. I'm ruled by my self-rules listed longer than a ruler that doesn't infinitely exist.

 last year  

As I was writing my last ost this afternoon, I saw the notification number start clicking up and up. "Oh, Nine must be online," I said to myself.

Rules rule!!! When healthily self-imposed.

As I was writing my last ost

Oh wowzaz! That sounds fun. Writing an ost. I don't know how to do that. Can you give me some ost pointers please?

"Oh, Nine must be online," I said to myself.

Ob hoy, I said to my other self, the one that was online at the time.

When healthily self-imposed.

You wouldn't want me interfacing in this world without my rules. Trust me on that. Besides some psuedo authority would surely attempt possession in my abstention.

 last year  

Huh. I wrote an ost? How ostentatious of me.

Stop teasing me and tell me how to write an OST. I need to know. NOW.

 last year  

It's like a roast, but it doesn't start ra(w).

How does it start?

 last year  

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