😂 I'm picturing that whole scene. It'd be adorable. Maybe you could carve her a dragon? Time...yes....that again.
The bamboo he has looks very hearty. I couldn't get over the roots, wasn't what I anticipated. The beauty of rhizomes...ahhhh, love them. I've grown ginger root and tumeric root also. Leaves of ginger have a light citrus taste, no ginger flavour at all.
Soon you will have a lovely bamboo baby!
Heehee, yeah, I'm just going to have to try it out. I'll let you know how it goes. Below are two pics I took of it. The roots coming up and going back down in the ground, green like that, with shoots growing off of them is so interesting and rather cool.
Cor blimey, look at that beast. Its a finger wide! A good thickness. It does look very hearty.
I have never actually seen the roots before, I have only read that you can chop off the rhizomes and propagate that way. It looks like that one could grow into a monster.
I am half jealous! Even though I have loads of bamboo.
Although my big monster black one is suffering from yellowing leaves and Iam worrying that it might be approaching the relams of death which would make me terrible sad
😂 It's a worthy beastie. I was impressed.
The next time I'm in that park I'll be equipped with what I take for foraging and hack off a chunk, one with shoots (haha). No one will care, the thing wants to take over. I was just so surprised at the roots. I thought you'd have seen them. I did some reading to learn more, soil type, conditions it likes, etc. There are so many species!
I think you're hooked on bamboo. Besides being so cool, I tend to make use of it for various things, like all my polishing sticks for carving.
Awww, that's not a happy thought. I didn't know they die off. Maybe it just needs something altered in it's environment.
Most people would probably think you were doing a service by pruning the big taking over mofof back somewhat.
I probably need to sacrifice something to the elder gods in the shade of its black canes. That oughtta work ;O)
That's a good point, saves the city crew from digging it out.
They seem to like blood sacrifices, so maybe if you shed some of yours that will be appeasement enough for the elder gods, lol. I see that elder gods seems to come from H.P. Lovecraft. Have you read him? I haven't read his books but I have looked at illustrations closely.
When I was younger I read a lot of his stuff, teenage'y years I think. It has forever influenced me! I love the illustrations too. Anything Elder gods'ish gets my juices flowing!
I really do have to read his books. The illustrations are so interesting and well done.
Sounds Vikingish, bet you got some of that blood running in those veins.
I can only hope that the blood is running in these veins! It would explain a lot, lol!