Very difficult to get around here and I took the grand total of 10 shots today with my camera.
Some cool days I take easily 300 to 400 shots.
Strangely the humidity doesn't bother me as the hot winds keep us clear.
Very difficult to get around here and I took the grand total of 10 shots today with my camera.
Some cool days I take easily 300 to 400 shots.
Strangely the humidity doesn't bother me as the hot winds keep us clear.
(3/5) gave you LUV.
All depends on the day, sometimes plenty to photograph other days too hot and everything goes into hiding.
Well, on our hottest day in the world, I managed to get 42 shots.
News on TV showed the crowds all racing down to the beaches in the Cape, looked like New Year all over again. Stay safe and cool in your own home in preference to the maddening crowds.
Oh yes, it was worse than New Years day as there were hundreds of taxis parked all along the beach road.
No space for even a mouse to park and it took us all of 30 minutes in the dense traffic for a very short cruise.
It is more like stay safe and hot in our own house as the house has become an oven.
Worst place to go to catch sunburn, instant relief long term suffering 😄
(2/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@joanstewart
Right I am back after another hectic day.
Tanning in this heat will definitely cause major skin problems later in life.
(1/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@papilloncharity
Haha later in life? Already blotches and spots how many more, well talking from this side!
Have a good one, shopping first duty of the day here or no food.