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RE: Traveling to visit another town.

So right and we have done a few, but the intention is to do most of the passes.
Right on, but the problem is that the general public bring with them littering, loud music, drunken fights and a lot of other human problems. People are just destructive and most of our public toilets can attest to the wanton destruction and the filth.
So it is a 20/20 situation.



Agree people who cannot leave a place the way they would like to find it, problematic everywhere. Perhaps a fee would be more appropriate, or as in your case visiting people already staying there.


A rather nasty experience, as we felt very bad about not being allowed to access the hot springs.
Marian's two aunts were staying there for two days and they invited us for a visit, so you can imagine how they felt when told that no day visitors were allowed. Sick!


If they were in residence that is very wrong by the owners, one cannot expect people not to discuss that type of reaction.

Lesson learned, never support them in future !LUV to you and hope you settling down a little more now after the break.

I also think that it is wrong and it should never be allowed, no matter who claims to own the place.

They will hear from us make no mistake.
Yep! All settled down and on the go again. We have an 8pm power cut today and Monday we will have 3 powers cuts per day again for the whole week.

No reprieve from errors made over last 30 years, would be refreshing to see momentum moving forward again.

!LUV Smile that brightens up even the darkest corner when power is out.

Ah! Just back from the latest power cut and now have a heap of replies to do.
No reprieve indeed, but we will always have hope.

!LUV and smiling is good for one.

Massive electrical storm over WestRand yesterday, my sister was in a state saying they came out of loadshedding straight into mayhem, life is super strange of late!