The magic of a white sky day.

At times, the Atlantic Ocean mist turns the skies into a white color.

One can never know what to expect here, but with no expectations, it makes things so much better when the unexpected happens.

As when the unexpected takes place, one can appreciate it so much more. So often do we go out there on a bleary day like this and then the day simply passes with not much happening, but not this day. I will share this post in three stages below, morning, noon, and afternoon, and I am sure that you will enjoy the sights.
So come and have a look.

That crow was anxious to get a selfie:))


Those are our signal towers on a lower mountain peak, and the clouds tried to swallow it. You will note that it is now noon, and the sky is a bit darker.



Finally, things started to clear a bit in the afternoon as you can see below.

And then a total surprise.

The sun started to break through the mist.

With glorious views as you can see. I will show some closer shots of this main picture below.

Thats the two trees that you see towards the right in the picture above. Look how the cloud curls behind the trees on the mountain peak.

And here are the two palm trees that you see in the main picture towards the left.

A closer look at those palms.

And that's it, we really did not expect this at all and like I said, the unexpected was glorious. However, the cold did not change as Winter seems to be very reluctant to depart now in the Spring season. The weatherman reckons that this is a new cold front, but thankfully it is not a very strong one, so only a bit of rain is expected on Wednesday. But this will be a pain for me, as Wednesday is the 18th, and it will be the day that the full moon appears. Now if the skies are cloudy, then I will once again miss the chance to get the full moon on camera. I will, however, keep an eye out and if possible, we will drive out into the countryside to try and find gaps in the clouds. But then again, it will be dark, and it is not very safe here to go and take photos in the dark.
Such is life.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


unpredictable landscape

That's why we love it!

Wow what a beautiful view 😍, the greenery is also nice like my hometown, it feels like I want to go back to the village so I can enjoy the scenery and fresh air in the mountains 😇 .

Thank you, and maybe it's a message that you should visit your hometown. !LOL

Unpredictably beautiful! I like the crow saying hi, though. 🤗

Thank you, and the crow also thank you. !LOL


Ay caramba un castillo!!

Oh my gosh, a castle!!

Thank you, but it is a signal station on a mountain peak. I wish it was a castle. !LOL

Umm, what kind of airy nice photos. The bird photo came out especially spectacular and stunning.

Glad that you liked the airy photos, and I was happy to get the bird in the shot.

Hey @ratel, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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