Snowy winter

It has been freezing and snowing for the past two weeks. But that won't last long - the weather forecast is calling for a slight warming again. So at least in the pictures I send you a bit of mountain winter from Beskydy Mountains (Czechia).

Během minulých dvou týdnů mrzlo a sněžilo. To prý ale nebude trvat dlouho - předpověď počasí zase hlásí mírné oteplení. Tak aspoň na obrázcích posílám trochu zasněžené horské zimy z Beskyd.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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Such accumulation of snow on the branches (especially if it is dense enough) can lead to injuries to trees. The photos are great!