Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
There is this cool photography initiative called #fototema (= photo theme) going on in the Czech community of Hive and the current theme is "water", which is something I simply cannot miss out on so here is my contribution :) As far as I remember, I have been kind of fascinated by water since I was a little kid. When outdoor in nature, I was the one who always had to explore all the rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and even the smallest muddy puddles that were around. I grew up in my homeland, the landlocked Czech Republic and it was not until I was about 12 or something that I finally got to see the sea for the first time. It was in Croatia and it was like a dream come true for me :) Now, many years later, I still love water and I have been privileged to visit countless impressive bodies of water - from picturesque volcanic lakes high up in the mountains to mysterious cenotes hidden underground, colorful salt lakes, huge wild rivers and vast seas and oceans that are home to some of the most exquisite creatures on Earth. My nomadic lifestyle has even allowed me to live right by the sea at many different places, which is something I am really grateful for. I must have taken thousands of photos of water during all those years but it´s impossible to share all of them with you so let me post just some of them here. Not necessarily the best ones but some of my favorites for sure ;)
Zdravím #cesky!
Zaregistroval jsem, že se @tazi´mu ve spolupráci s @pavelsku podařilo oprášit #fototema, což je skvělá zpráva. Aktuální téma "voda" je mi velmi blízké, tak jsem se rozhodl přispět "malou" kolekcí svých "vodních fotek" :) Voda mě svým způsobem fascinuje už od dětství. Kdykoliv jsem byl někde venku v přírodě, hned jsem jako první běžel k řece, potoku nebo jezeru, co bylo poblíž. K moři jsem se poprvé dostal asi ve 12 letech a byla z toho (jak se dalo čekat) láska na celý život :) Později jsem mohl u moře dokonce i žít a to v různých částech světa, za což jsem opravdu vděčný. Ten pocit, když se ráno probudíte s výhledem na širé moře zalité sluncem a víte, že nejste jen na dovolené, ze které se musíte za pár dní vrátit, to je prostě nádhera... Ale nemusíte to být nutně moře - bydlení na břehu jezera nebo u řeky je taky úžasné. Voda je prostě magický živel a já se teď s vámi touto cestou o "pár" svých oblíbených "vodních fotek" podělím :)
Doufám, že se vám tato "vodní kolekce" líbila. Popisky k jednotlivým fotkám jsem tentokrát nedával, už tak to bylo asi dost dlouhé. U fotek moří a oceánů je většina Karibik (různé země a ostrovy) a Atlantik (hlavně Azory a Kanáry), méně pak Pacifik a Středozemní moře. Řeky a jezera hlavně Severní, Střední a Jižní Amerika a Evropa. Své zastoupení tam samozřejmě měla i Česká republika, ale to jste určitě poznali ;) Některé fotky jsou už staršího data, kdy jsem ještě fotil mizernými mobily a bez jakýchkoliv fotografických zkušeností a znalostí, tak se omlouvám za horší kvalitu... Mobilem teda fotím pořád, ale už lepším :)
Díky moc za organizaci #fototema pánové @tazi a @pavelsku a těším se na vaši zpětnou vazbu! ;) Snad jsem vám nepřidělal moc práce :)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.
Beautiful nature ;))
Indeed :) Thanks for taking the time to check out the collection man!
What a wonderful entrance, I would not know which one to stay with, but surely I would like to bathe and swim in all of them and see those free and interesting iguanas
happy thursday friend
Hey there, thanks for leaving such a nice comment here :) Really glad you liked the photos and even noticed the iguanas, I love these animals and simply had to include some photos with them too as I have hundreds of them (photos with iguanas I mean :D)
Have a wonderful weekend!
What a beautiful connection with your photos...I love them all... And what a privilege that you have chosen a lifestyle that fulfills you and you are probably very happy, since you have the joy of always exploring and getting to know new things, places and people.
Hi, thanks for checking out the collection! Yes, the nomadic lifestyle comes with a lot of freedom. Will always be grateful for the chance to visit all those beautiful places :)
Awesome theme with awesome photos!
Just love water and everything related with it.
Thanks for your contribution.
Thanks Andy :) I love water too, just as I said in the intro of the post. Must be my favorite nature´s element :)
Woo!! Has visitado sitios espectaculares! Me encantaría estar en al menos uno de esos lugares! 😍
Hola, gracias por ver las fotos. Puedo ver que eres de México, eso es increíble, muchas de estas fotos fueron tomadas en tu país, pasé 2 años allí, tantos recuerdos lindos :)
Si, pude reconocer solo la foto del Cenote, he estado en varios de ellos. México tiene sitios impresionantemente bellos. Tengo 6 años viviendo aquí y aún no conozco mucho de este país. Que bueno que viviste aquí, debes hablar bien español, verdad? En qué parte de México viviste? Yo vivo al sur de México, en Tabasco ¿Estuviste cerca de Tabasco?
Jaja en realidad no, todavía tengo que usar el traductor :) Pero generalmente puedo entender y hacerme entender en el lenguaje hablado;) vivía solo en la Península de Yucatán (estados de Quintana Roo y Yucatán).
Viviste en una de las partes más bonitas de México. Espero que pronto puedas volver. Te mando un abrazo! Que tengas un bonito resto de semana. 🤗
Muchas gracias y saludos desde Polonia :)
...vlnka o vlnku, já vím ;) :*
To je Varan na tý jedný fotce?
Leguán :) Na dvou.
Jo už koukám, že se mi napoprvé nenačetla asi půlka fotek :D
Luxusní! Na ještěrky mám slabost :)
Já taky, miluju plazy :) Měl by ses jednou podívat do Mexika, tohle tam na tebe čeká :D
Excelentes fotos amigo!!
Gracias y saludos desde Polonia :)
oh my goodness, what spectacular photos. i love the landscapes and the contrasts of colors that you reflect in your photos. I hope to have the opportunity to visit some of these places.
Thank you very much for checking out the pictures, I am glad you liked them :) Have a nice day!
Wow! The pictures, breath-taking for sure. You got some amazing skills on capturing them.
The pictures looks like some wallpaper, totally professional.
Have a great day pal!
Oh wow, what a nice feedback, thanks man, you are too kind :) Still shooting just with my phone, so that´s a far cry from a pro stuff :) But yeah, very happy and excited about the feedback so far. Thanks again!
Has realizado un trabajo increíble. Todas fotografías demuestran la majestuosidad de agua en nuestro planeta.. Gracias por compartirlo
Les agradezco por verlos a todos, me alegro de ver tan buenos comentarios de ustedes chicos, gracias! :)
Wooow! As always, awesome photo collection @phortun!!!
Thank you Sofia, it was fun to put it together for you guys :)
Hermoso!! Vivo a 5 minutos del mar y cada vez que puedo tomo muchas fotografías de mi pedacito de mar. Tus fotografías son de terapia. Para soñar, volar y respirar. Enhorabuena.
Muchas gracias por sus amables comentarios, vivir junto al mar es una verdadera bendición :) Solo desearía que la gente fuera más respetuosa con el mar y la Madre Naturaleza, muchos lugares del mundo ya están dañados por nosotros :(
Hola, excelentes fotografías espero algún día estar a tu nivel, pues aún me siento un aprendiz ante las fotografías tan magnificas que nos compartes. Gracias!
Jaja, gracias, pero yo también soy un principiante, solo uso mi teléfono para tomar fotos :) En estos días, los teléfonos pueden tomar fotos decentes. Buena suerte con tu carrera de fotografía y gracias por pasar :)
Ay Dios mio! like a painting!! 👏👏👏👏👏
Trakai Castle, Lithuania. Yep, I was lucky the lake was this calm that day :) Thanks for stopping by man!
Mein Gott, to je sbírka. Krása. Voda je život.
No, přiznávám, že se mi to trochu natáhlo :D Jak jsem procházel jednotlivá alba, tak jsem si pořád říkal "tuhle tam taky musím dát a tuhle taky!" a ejhle, nakonec 80 fotek :D Ale vyplatilo se, už druhý den je tenhle post na trending page celého Hivu a s ním tak trochu i #cesky, takže zdařilá propagace českého rybníčka ;)
Povedlo se :-)
No nakonec asi až moc, zdá se :D :/
Insane! Really amazing photos! 💓
Thank you, glad to know that you enjoyed this collection :)
Me encantaria ver esos lugares personalmente. una belleza!
Gracias! :)
I also love water and I can’t help taking photos every single time I am near it ..
I loved your images, you are a very talented photographer!
Yeah, same here, water is a fascinating element, especially in the natural form :) (I mean I am not that excited about the tap water, artificial pools etc :D Thank you for your kind feedback Katerina!
Truly a awesome collection and am sure you enjoy every moment at these beautiful places 👍
Thanks man, I do! I am sure you would come up with even more complex and impressive colletion on this theme as you have spent even more time by water than me :) Looking forward to checking it out!
Your welcome @phortun you are right about that I have spent lots of time by the oceans would they allow me to enter this even though it is a Czech community ??
Actually, that´s what the Czech community is talking about right now. Whether translations from other languages should also be accepted or not. Will let you know ;)
Nice keep me posted have a great weekend @phortun 👍
This collection is so beautiful! Made me miss the outdoors so much. 🤗
Thank you :) Well here in Europe, things are already pretty eased up so going out to nature or even traveling is possible again. Fingers crossed for you guys in Asia, hopefully the situation gets better there soon too!
looks pretty nice
Man, I must say you are an excellent photographer. These pictures shows that the earth (nature) is truly beautiful. I love these pictures and would definitely love to visit those places. Thanks for sharing man!
Thanks man, really appreciate your feedback, especially because I still consider myself just an amateur photography enthusiast :) My pleasure to promote the beauty of all these places. If I knew the post would be this successful with so many people checking it out, I would put captions with locations to each of the photos at least! :D
Estan hermosas tus fotografías. Saludos!
Muchas gracias, saludos! :)
Oh my God... the pictures are all magnificent. Everytime I scroll down, I thought I would find my favourite one but until I come to the last picture, I still can not decide just yet LOL.
Haha you are too kind, thank you! :) I am really happy to see all these lovely comments from you guys, made my day :)
To se bude těžko vybírat... ;)
Díky za účast !!
Přiznávám, že se mi to trochu vymklo z rukou :D Teď si teda ještě pohrávám s myšlenkou, že bych to dodatečně zaokrouhlil na stovku, když už se to dostalo na trending, ale to byste mi pak mohli na srazu udělat něco ošlivého a to bych nerad :D
Stunning photos! Beautiful nature
Thanks :)
Que hermosos fotos, demasiado impresionantes. Los buenos recuerdos que dejan los viajes tienen un precio muy alto.
Muchas gracias :) Sí, las fotos nos ayudan a guardar nuestros recuerdos de todos los lugares hermosos que hemos visitado :) Saludos.
Que belleza no me canso de ver!
Con mucho gusto amigo ;)
Amiga! 🤗
Ups, disculpa! Amiga :)
Hi there, @phortun this is unbelievable so much beauty around us you have a amazing collection loved every single photo.
Thank you very much man, I love your collections of natural photos too :) It´s amazing how we can share beauties from all over the world with each other here on Hive :)
Hi there, @phortun thank you, it seems we both have something in common the love for beaches, it was amazing to see your collection you have certainly been around.
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Our pleasure @phortun
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You have enjoyed a lot in this beautiful place.