Come to think of it, I just noticed how low the car is. A car like this will be very difficult to drive where am from, especially in my area where you find huge holes everywhere.
Nonetheless I still think the car is a beauty, not so popular here but makes it look like a new model car.
With so much tech in it I wonder why you don’t have a button in the car that allows you to open the trunk?
We sometimes have potholes here, but I am well-trained at looking out for them. It's awkward driveways that give me problems sometimes.
Well there is a trunk open button inside of the car, on the key fob, and also next to the license plate in the back. When I am putting groceries in the car though, I'm obviously outside of the car. I really never use my key for anything as the car detects it automatically when I get close and doors unlock without me having to pull it out. This is why I never use the trunk open button on my key.