Ohh no the old injured pinky is still bent and working fine I am crazy as you know but nit crazy enough to try and straighten a finger that isn’t hurting lol
No I kind of wish it had been the previously injured one but no I did the good one in my right hand and dang it is getting annoying throbbing whenever I bump it and make some silly things awkward like using a mouse that dang splint gets in the way and drags on the table
oh my gosh
please tell me that it isn't not...unbent now?? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ohh no the old injured pinky is still bent and working fine I am crazy as you know but nit crazy enough to try and straighten a finger that isn’t hurting lol
no i thought maybe THAT was the one that you hurt hahahaha
and you had a little 'HELP' in straightening it ROFLLLLLLLLLll
ooh - i forgot! i can do the thingie
No I kind of wish it had been the previously injured one but no I did the good one in my right hand and dang it is getting annoying throbbing whenever I bump it and make some silly things awkward like using a mouse that dang splint gets in the way and drags on the table
But this will pass
hehehehe that is such an image that i have in my head now LOL the splint dragging hahahahahahahahaha
how much time do you have to keep the splint on?
Well if it was up to me about 1 minute longer and just tape it up
But will take Drs advice and keep it on till I see the specialist
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLlll i just died laughing at 1 minute longer
@dreemsteem that is so funny and so apt for me lol