Nice catch! I ate that parasol zwam ( as we call it in Dutch ) several times, in the last 5 year or so, here in Portugal. In fact, it's the only edible mushroom that I can identify haha! The first time I had eaten it, I got a little bit of a scare, as - after sharing in the natural medicine discor - someone told me that it might have been an extremely poisonous one and that I might need to go to a hospital to get my stomach pumped.
I felt okay, decided to sleep on it. The color of the photo had confused the guy. Also, some old ladies in the hamlet where I lived, back then, had identified it for me/ double checked, so I trusted them on that.
Sending you a hug from a very green and wet Portugal!
Hahaha ! I had the same thoughts, and what's more, several of my reference experts in terms of mushrooms hadn't replied... and then I ended up simply eating my parasol zwam (beautiful name btw !) with a little garlic and butter :)
I know from speaking with my brother that colors of the photographies can often be quite confusing, but in the end, as you and every people interested in mushrooms, no risk is allowed !
Many warm hugs from the Normandy dear Vincent !