Beautiful shots. I spent the weekend out in the woods. I shared some pictures but I'm afraid it was the last of the fresh days as now we face a second heat wave that will last until next Monday and some regions of my country are expecting temperatures of 47 and up which is absolutely insane. Last month, during the previous hate way half of my province set a place and we had so many wildfires that have barely being extinguished and now we are into one week scorched Earth dystopian movie. I know I sound grumpy but I really don't work well in hot weather
This heat is crazy. Hopefully it is just a cycle and we can return to normal and not burn up every summer.
Not reaching that has the highest temperature is already burning and higher temperature is expected tomorrow. It's been pretty hot where I live too and we had a wildfires last month. Last year it was the highest temperature recorded in Spain I was just beating but this happens every year. We have had deviations from temperature in the pose over 20° Celsius so that hasn't happened in hundreds of thousands of years so we should be aware that yeah he might not be a single event. I am not going to preach about this because I know some people agree and some don't but that is my vision and we are just f****** things up or we surf over the tipping point